Marvel Gold Limited (ASX: MVL) has commenced a high-resolution Gradient Array Induced Polarisation (GAIP) geophysical survey has commenced at the Kolondieba Gold Project located in south-east Mali.

Kolondieba is held under a joint venture with B2Gold Corporation in which Marvel holds an 80% interest.
We are pleased to have recommenced field work following the wet season,” Managing Director, Chris van Wijk, said.
“Our immediate priority is to follow up the encouraging results of auger drilling at Kolondieba, which together with our own multi-element soil sampling indicate the presence of of a mineralised system.
“This GAIP survey is a quick and cost-effective method that provides additional data to support the identification and prioritisation of targets for drilling. Located approximately 60km north-east of Tabakorole, which hosts an existing mineral resource of one million ounces, Kolondieba is a strategic project for Marvel.”
A maiden auger drilling programme was carried out at Kolondieba during the June quarter of 2022 to follow up on the results of soil sampling. Multiple holes intersected gold mineralisation.
The auger drilling identified three standout targets, each of which yielded significant gold anomalism over 1km of strike length and several hundred metres across. It is these three targets that will be the focus of the GAIP survey.
It is anticipated that the survey will help to define the spatial distribution of chargeability and resistivity highs, which are essentially proxies for gold-bearing sulphides and silicification and/or quartz veining, respectively. Together with the auger drilling results, the findings of the GAIP survey will be used to plan deeper follow-up reverse circulation (RC) or diamond drilling (DD) as appropriate.
The ongoing survey will be completed with 100m line spacing and 25m station spacing along those lines and is expected to take around one month to complete.