Marvel Gold Limited (ASX: MVL) has extended the potential of he Tabakorole project, located in south-east Mali, with results of its recently completed Aircore drilling and Gradient Array Induced Polarity (GAIP) survey.

We are extremely pleased with the results of our recent Aircore drilling and our large scale Gradient Array IP survey,” Managing Director, Chris van Wijk, said.
“The IP has provided important structural data and yielded a number of conceptual near resource targets which require follow-up.
“Meanwhile, our recent Aircore drilling has effectively provided the position and strike extents of the ‘Inner Bend’, a zone which we believe has the potential to materially grow the Tabakorole Mineral Resource.”
Aircore drilling
The ‘Inner Bend’ of the Tabakorole deposit hosts a number of historical drillholes that encountered mineralisation, which have not been included in the current resource due to their orientation, being sub-parallel to mineralisation.
The best historical intersections in this zone include 16m at 2.3g/t, 34m at 1.4g/t, 3m at 7.3 g/t and 34m at 1.2g/t.
The present Aircore programme was designed to infill the drilling in this area and establish the position at which this zone projects to surface. This information will help to constrain future drilling in an orientation more suited to inclusion within a resource estimate.
This Aircore drilling was successful in delineating the ‘Inner Bend’ over a strike length of approximately 300m with best intercepts of 8m at 3.7g/t from surface, 10m at 1.2g/t from 6m and 6m at 1.2g/t from 8m.
It should be noted that the Aircore drilling was carried out to blade refusal only with the aim of sampling the base of saprolite and several holes ended in mineralisation.
This is significant given that the total resource length is approximately 3.2km and this inner bend extends from surface and is within 50m of the existing deposit. As such, it has the potential to materially add to the Tabakorole Mineral Resource.
Results received from Aircore drilling on the “Inner Bend” define mineralisation from surface that sits within 50m of the existing Mineral Resource and extends over 300m of strike.
GAIP Survey
A large-scale GAIP survey, covering an area of 38 sq. km was undertaken over the Tabakorole corridor between late April and June of 2022. The aims of this survey were to provide additional structural information over the prospective Tabakorole corridor and to directly identify zones of chargeability or resistivity which may indicate either sulphide mineralisation or silica alteration associated with gold.
The precursor to this survey was successful drilling at the Lone Wolf target where gold was associated with sulphides and a review of historical data at Tabakorole, which included two orientation IP grids which indicated that the mineralisation at Tabakorole was associated with zones of moderate chargeability and moderate resistivity. Importantly the deposit can be imaged in the data (see the Chargeability image below) and thus the data will be an important targeting tool going forwards.