Staff Writer

Megado Minerals Limited (ASX: MEG) has identified several previously unrecognised carbonatite targets through its recently completed airborne hyperspectral survey over its North Fork Rare Earth project in Idaho, USA.

The hyperspectral survey was undertaken by the geological remote sensing company, Theia-X. Results from the survey shows several new distinct areas of previously unidentified carbonatite outcrops. Of particular interest, most of the new outcrops appear coincident with geophysics targets.

The hyperspectral results reaffirm our belief that North Fork is one of the most under explored rare-earth prospects in the USA. Identifying new carbonatite targets using new and innovative techniques allows us to better focus our resources, gain a better understanding of the underlying geological system and give ourselves the best opportunity of identifying and defining a resource,” CEO and Managing Director, Ben Pearson, said.

The majority of the newly identified carbonatites are as yet unsampled; and where sampled show high grades for REE’s. Most of these trends are in the order of >1km strike length.

Future Work Programmes

Weather permitting, ‘boots-on-the-ground’ fieldwork will be undertaken immediately to ground truth the identified hyperspectral targets at North Fork. This work will aim to delineate additional drill targets for REE mineralisation in the upcoming 2024 field season..

Megado continues to work in conjunction with the USDA Forest Service to permit its drill programme at Silver King. Megado has been advised that the Forest Service will shortly commence its Environmental Assessment (EA). An EA is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A copy of the EA will be released for public comment by the Forest Service in November 2023.

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