Metal Hawk Limited (ASX: MHK) has expanded the target zone at the Torana Prospect with new zones of disseminated nickel sulphides logged at the Berehaven Project, 20km south-east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australian.

The 3,300m campaign of reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the Berehaven Project is now completed.
Five RC holes were drilled at the Torana prospect, located 1.5km north and along strike from the Company’s high-grade Commodore nickel sulphide discovery.
Drilling has extended the open strike length of the targeted ultramafic unit at Torana to nearly one km. The presence of disseminated nickel sulphides observed in RC drill chips (verified by pXRF analysis) further highlights the nickel fertility of this untested ultramafic belt.
Downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys are now underway at Torana to further refine modelled DHEM conductor plate TDC_29 prior to diamond drill testing of this high priority target.
The Torana DHEM programme will also explore for new target zones related to massive nickel sulphides at depth.
Several regional RC holes were also completed as part of the campaign, testing geophysical electromagnetic targets identified from moving loop electromagnetic (MLEM) surveys carried out earlier this year.
Favourable high-MgO ultramafic host rocks were intersected at the majority of prospects drilled and will be followed up with DHEM. Assays from this latest round of drilling will be used in conjunction with DHEM survey results to refine targets for further RC and diamond drilling.
The RC drilling completed at Torana has effectively traced the fertile ultramafic target unit along strike from Commodore and we are very pleased to see more thick intervals of ultramafic rocks with visible nickel sulphides,” Managing Director Will Belbin said.
“Additionally, the regional drilling completed has identified high-MgO komatiites at a number of locations east of Commodore. DHEM surveys will now be completed in several holes and will allow us to develop new follow-up massive sulphide drill targets. The EM surveys will also help us refine the priority DHEM conductor at Torana prior to diamond drill-testing.”