Staff Writer

Metals Australia Ltd (ASX: MLS) has submitted 63 samples from 21 pegmatites on the CV Lithium Trend and the Corvette South Trend for lithium analysis as part of a mapping and sampling programme on the company’s tenements that lie on extensions to the Corvette (CV) Lithium trend and on the newly identified Corvette South Trend1 in Quebec’s James Bay Lithium Region.

The  63 pegmatite samples are summarised below:

i) Coarse grained pegmatite dykes within the Company’s Felicie tenement which lies on the Corvette (CV) Lithium Trend. These pegmatite outcrops occur 20km west, along strike, from the world-class Patriot Battery Metals (ASX:PMT) CV5 lithium Mineral Resource of 109Mt @ 1.42% Li2O3.

ii) Coarse grained pegmatite outcrops within the West Pontois tenements lying on western extensions of the CV Lithium Trend and surrounded by tenements held by Patriot Battery Metals.

iii) Multiple large coarse grained pegmatite outcrops within an 11 km corridor in the West Eade tenements which lie on the company’s Corvette South Trend

iv) Multiple large coarse grained pegmatite outcrops within an 8km corridor in the East Eade tenements which occur in the Company’s Corvette South Trend.

The 63 pegmatite samples have been submitted to ALS laboratories in Val-d’Or, Quebec, for lithium and other pathfinder elements analysis and results are expected to be received within four to six weeks.

Previous work on Metals Australia’s tenements focussed on gold and base metals exploration. The large outcropping pegmatites identified by the Company have not previously been analysed for lithium.

The outcrop patterns and mineral textures observed are similar to lithium bearing pegmatites in the region such as the Corvette Lithium Project pegmatites.

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