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Midas Minerals Ltd (ASX: MM1) has received positive results from the initial field due diligence on the Newington project in Western Australia as part of the option agreement with DiscovEx Resources Limited.

Midas’ initial field reviews successfully confirmed that prior reported anomalous geochemistry is related to pegmatites and highly fractionated granitoids. Numerous outcropping pegmatites were located during the site visit.

A total 85 pegmatite and granitoid samples collected from the Kawna area were analysed using a partial leach aqua-regia method. Sixteen (16) samples were anomalous in lithium. Four of the 16 anomalous lithium samples were subsequently analysed using a fusion analysis method to obtain a complete element analysis, returning highly anomalous lithium (Li), caesium (Cs), tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta) and beryllium (Be).

The results obtained from weathered pegmatite samples are highly encouraging and confirm the existence of lithium-rich LCT pegmatites on the Newington project,” Exploration Manager, Mark Calderwood, said.

“Significantly, it is likely that most of the lithia appears to be contained within the more desirable weathered lithium aluminosilicates, with no obvious lepidolite noted, and mica representing less than 10% of the rock material sampled.

 “The next step is to obtain an understanding of how widespread the LCT pegmatites are. This will be achieved by more comprehensive mapping and geochemical sampling. Work is expected to commence this week.”

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