Andromeda Metals Limited (ASX: ADN) has lodged critical applications for the development of the Great White Kaolin Project in South Australia.

The applications have been lodged on behalf of the Great White Kaolin Project Joint Venture between Andromeda and Minotaur Exploration Limited (ASX: MEP) in which ADN holds a 75% equity interest. The applications are for a Mining Lease and two Miscellaneous Purposes Licences with the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) for the proposed development of the Great White Kaolin Project which is located near Poochera on the west coast of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula.
Andromeda Managing Director, James Marsh, said the lodgement of the applications represents a significant milestone in the Project’s development which is focussed on the commencement of operations in February 2022.
The Application outlines the proposed development of a shallow open pit mine, wet-processing plant and supporting infrastructure at the Great White Deposit, which is in line with the Project Pre-Feasibility Study. A Mining Proposal and Management Plan supports the application which incorporates supporting environment impact assessments undertaken by independent experts.
The joint venture partners are proposing to develop the Great White Kaolin Deposit by seeking approval for:
- A Mining Lease (ML) for the mine, processing plant and supporting infrastructure;
- A Miscellaneous Purposes Licence (MPL) for an access road to the ML; and
- A MPL for a water supply pipeline from Poochera to the ML.
The Mining Lease submission is founded on an operation to be developed in 2 stages:
- Stage One – to produce up to 600,000 dry tonnes per annum (tpa) of direct shipping ore (DSO) for toll processing overseas and including construction of the site access road, internal haul roads and the initial pit;
- Stage Two – processing on site of approximately 500,000 tpa of ore to produce up to 250,000 tpa of refined halloysite- kaolin product with the construction of a wet-processing plant, water pipeline and LPG generator.
The final project scope and configuration is currently being evaluated under the Definitive Feasibility Study, due for completion in the second quarter of 2021.