Minerals 260 Limited (ASX:MI6) has confirmed the continuity of sulphide-related copper-gold mineralisation at the emerging Mynt prospect with the latest assay results received from drilling at its Moora Project in WA.
The 100%-owned Moora Project, which is located ~150km north-east of Perth in the Julimar Mineral Province of SW Western Australia, forms part of a contiguous, 1,000 sq. km land package which includes the adjacent Koojan JV, where the company is in joint venture with Lachlan Star Limited and has earned an initial 30% equity with the right to increase this to 51%.
Drilling at Mynt has intersected multiple copper-gold zones with the latest intercepts hosted by a steeply plunging shoot, estimated to be 120 to 150m long, which is open at depth.
Limited drilling 700m to the west and 200m to the east appears to have intersected the margins of similar sulphide-related mineralisation indicating good potential to discover additional high-grade shoots at Mynt.
Follow–up drilling will be planned at Mynt following a detailed structural review of diamond core drill holes, which will assist with the optimal siting of future deeper holes designed to determine the resource potential.
Further work will also be planned for other targets on the combined Moora/Koojan Projects, including Mallory, Dwel and Acga, where highly anomalous precious and base metal values have been recorded:
- Mallory – up to 30g/t silver, 83ppb gold and 1,480ppm copper.
- Dwel – up to 2.7g/t gold, 0.5% copper, 0.08% cobalt and 5.7% zinc.
- Acga – up to 0.6 g/t palladium and 0.6% copper.
All assays have now been received for drilling completed on the Moora and Koojan Projects.
Aston Project
Field activities including detailed airborne geophysics, geochemical sampling and geological reconnaissance have recently commenced on the Company’s new Aston Lithium-REE Project, located in the Gascoyne Province of Western Australia. Initial results are expected in six to eight weeks with work designed to define targets for drilling envisaged to continue for the next three to six months.
Assays from Mynt continue to highlight the potential of this prospect as we continue to delineate what could be a significant zone of copper-gold mineralisation,” Managing Director, David Richards, said.
“These latest results, combined with assays from other prospects, means we have no shortage of exciting targets to follow up across both our Moora and Koojan Projects. While we are at the start of the cropping season, we are planning follow-up activity which we hope to undertake in the coming months.
“Meanwhile, we look forward to getting the initial results from our brand-new Aston Lithium-REE Project in the Gascoyne Province, where field activities have recently commenced.”