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Staff Writer

Miramar Resources Limited (ASX:M2R) has intersected further gold mineralisation in the deepest diamond hole drilled at “Glandore East” to date.

The 100% owned Glandore Project is located within the Eastern Goldfields, approximately 40km east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

GDDD006 was drilled down dip of the historical high-grade diamond drill intersections and intersected 0.3m @ 3.86g/t Au in a quartz vein at the contact between the Glandore Granodiorite and a thin dolerite unit.

Miramar’s exploration at Glandore East has outlined multiple parallel NE-trending structures cross cutting the granodiorite/mafic contact and has also confirmed the presence of high-grade bedrock gold mineralisation over a strike length of approximately 240m and to a vertical depth of approximately 180m so far.

The multiple NE-trending structures have been poorly tested to date, especially where they enter the mafic units which are considered to be a more prospective host rock for gold mineralisation than the granodiorite.

Miramar’s Executive Chairman, Allan Kelly, said the bedrock gold mineralisation was located beneath a large supergene aircore gold footprint which has still been only lightly drill tested to date.

“Whilst narrow, the new bedrock gold intersections confirm the presence of primary mineralisation within the multiple northeast trending structures,” he said.

“Our aim now, is to follow these structures to areas where the gold mineralisation might increase in volume and/or grade, potentially as a result of a change in rock type,” he added.

“The aircore gold footprint at Glandore East stretches for well over a kilometre, so there is plenty of room for this to happen beneath the shallow cover of the lake sediments,” he said.

As previously advised, the initial Glandore East diamond drilling programme has now been completed with assays pending for the final hole, GDDD007, at the northern edge of the current drilling campaign.

Further drilling will be planned once all results are received and interpreted.

The company is planning to complete a detailed ground and/or UAV magnetic survey in the first quarter of 2023 to refine the position of the NE-trending structures crosscutting the granodiorite/mafic contact.

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