Metals Australia Ltd (ASX:MLS) has intersected a 68m downhole zone of massive to disseminated sulphide mineralisation at the company’s Manindi Project in the Murchison District of Western Australia.

The discovery in hole MNRC070 was made in drilling for extensions of the Kultarr high-grade zinc resource. In addition, a second RC hole, MNRC071, has tested a previously untested EM anomaly at Brushtail Prospect, associated with a 3km strike-length parallel magnetic western trend, intersecting a 17m zone of massive to disseminated sulphide mineralisation from 56m downhole including a 7m semi-massive sulphide zone from 58m downhole.
Preliminary hand-held XRF readings indicate strongly anomalous copper, nickel, cobalt, vanadium and zinc values within the 7m semi-massive sulphide zone from 58m.
In addition to the excellent results from the lithium programme at Manindi, we have now drilled intersected two exciting base metal sulphide zones at the project,” Chairman, Mike Scivolo, said.
“The intersection of 68 metres of zinc and copper sulphide mineralisation at our Kultarr zinc project demonstrates potential to significantly grow our high-grade zinc resources.
“On top of that, it looks like we’re onto a parallel base-metal trend that has strongly anomalous copper, nickel, cobalt, vanadium and zinc in the only hole to date that has tested this 3km trend.
“The company is now well funded to advance not only the lithium drill-out but also to grow the base metal sulphide resource on this very exciting project.”
Manindi is located on three granted mining licences and includes the high-grade Kultarr and Kowari Zinc deposits. These deposits host a JORC 2012, Measured, Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.08Mt @ 6.52% Zn, 0.26% Cu, 3.19% Ag for 70,102t Zn (2% Zn cut-off)2 (including Measured: 37.7kt @ 10.22% Zn, 0.39% Cu, 6.24 g/t Ag; Indicated: 131.5kt @ 7.84% Zn, 0.32% Cu, 4.60 g/t Ag and Inferred: 906.7kt @ 6.17% Zn, 0.25% Cu, 2.86 g/t Ag).
RC hole MNRC070, which intersected the 68m of sulphide mineralisation, was drilled to test for extensions of the high-grade zinc mineralisation at Kultarr that plunges to the south of the existing resource towards the previously detected “K2” down hole EM (DHEM) conductor and longitudinal projection.