Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has received encouraging assay results from a stream sediment sampling programme at the Burracoppin Project in Western Australia undertaken in early 2021.

A total of 369 samples were collected over an area of approximately 330 sq. km, representing a sample density of one sample per square kilometre. Bulk samples were collected in the field at spacing determined by watercourse locations and land access. The samples were submitted to Intertek where they were sieved to a fraction passing – 75μm, with analysis by 5g aqua regia for gold and a multi-element suite.
The stream sediment sampling and assay programme was designed and supervised by Moho’s consultant geochemist Richard Carver of GCExplore Pty Ltd. The interpretation of the results by Carver involved creating line vectors representing the stream segment for each sample, which allowed the catchments to be contoured.
This grassroots sampling campaign has identified ten prioritized exploration targets within extensive areas of gold in stream sediment anomalism.
The top two ranges for gold are used as the basis of the anomaly definition. The values >8 ppb Au are clearly anomalous and those above 3 ppb Au are also potential areas of follow- up.
Other key outcomes of the survey are:
- Anomaly 1 with associated As-Bi-Zn-Pb-W is the strongest
- Anomaly 2 with associated W and Cu is the second strongest
- Anomaly 3, located to the SE of current drilling at the Crossroads prospect, is the 3rdranked gold anomaly and is supported by Ni Cu W and Bi anomalies along a SE trend
- A number of the anomalies are coincident with interpreted magnetic structures
Gravity Survey:
A high resolution gravity survey has been completed across E70/5300, with survey stations nominally spaced on a 500m by 500m grid across the entire tenement. Station spacing was adjusted in places where land access was restricted due to cropping activities.
Managing Director, Shane Sadleir, said the imminent interpretation of the data will assist with Moho’s understanding of the Burracoppin Project, with the potential to identify buried intrusions and add to the structural interpretation across the tenure, as well as an improved perception of the regional geological setting.
The stream sediment survey has successfully identified a number of high priority gold exploration targets within the Burracoppin Project which Moho plans to follow up over the next field season,” he said.
“Importantly, the survey has reinforced the gold potential at the Crossroads prospect where we are awaiting assay results from the recent diamond drilling campaign.”
New Exploration Licences Granted:
The grant of E70/5299 and E77/2671 adds an additional 12% of tenure to the Burracoppin Project, increasing its size to 307 subblocks. Two of the gold anomalies reported in this announcement are located on E70/5299.
Next steps
- Soil sampling on a 400x100m pattern to cover the higher priority anomalies
- Interpretation of gravity data on E70/5300
- Diamond core assays due this quarter
- Project scale geological interpretation
- Aircore drilling to test anomalies Q1 2022