Moho Resources Limited (ASX: MOH) has been granted exploration licence E27/263 in Western Australia

Managing Director, Shane Sadleir, saidE27/623 is an important component of Moho’s Silver Swan North Project where the Company is targeting both gold and nickel sulphide mineralisation.
“The grant of this tenement so close to the exceptionally high-grade nickel sulphide Silver Swan deposit is a very exciting development for Moho as we ramp up our nickel and battery metals exploration in WA.
“The Moho team are looking forward to getting on the ground in the New Year with the goal of discovering an economic nickel sulphide deposit.”
The initial work programme for 2022 will be focused on target generation prior to EM surveys and drilling, including:
- Review of all available historic exploration data
- Field mapping and sampling, rock chip collection and geochemical analysis to determine ultramafic affinities
- Geophysical data reprocessing and interpretation for an initial interpretation of magnetics,
- Systematic soil sampling and gravity survey
Moho is the 100% registered owner of granted tenements M27/263, E27/528, E27/626, P27/2232, P27/2390, E27/613 and E27/623 and applications for E27/633, E27/641, P27/2441, & P27/2456 all of which comprise the Silver Swan North Project.
The company has also signed option agreements to acquire M27/488, P27/2200, P27/2216, P27/2217, P27/2218, P27/2226 and P27/2229.
In October 2021 Moho entered into a binding Heads of Agreement with Yandal Resources Ltd
Under the Agreement – which is still subject to due diligence conditions – in exchange for a 1.0% Net Smelter Royalty, Moho will acquire from Yandal the exclusive right to access, explore for, own, mine, recover, process and sell all nickel, copper, cobalt and Platinum Group Elements extracted from the and associated minerals on 15 granted mining tenements held by Yandal.
The company will also vend four mining tenements under option and a tenement application to Yandal while retaining the rights for nickel and NSR gold royalties.