Moho Resources (ASX:MOH) has commenced aircoredrilling at the Tyrells and Hodges prospects adjacent to the East Sampson Dam gold deposit (ESD) within the Silver Swan North Project in Western Australia.

Managing Director, Shane Sadlier, said a programme of ~8,000m will test gold in soil anomalies and is aimed at extending the strike length of ~2.5 km. It is also targeting gold anomalism identified by an Auger Soil programme announced September 2020.
We are excited by what this aircore drilling program may uncover. In particular the auger gold in soil anomalism at Tyrells and Hodges suggests the area could host further gold mineralisation to that already identified at East Sampson Dam. We look forward to updating the market when we have the assay results,” Mr Sadleir said.
Next steps
- Assays from current aircore campaign – September 2021
- Appointment of Mining Engineer to commence Scoping Study to progress mine development at ESD using toll milling facility – August 2021
- RC drill programme at ESD to test extensions of mineralisation along strike to north and south and at depth – H2 2021
- Aircore drill programme to test multiple gold soil anomalies at Silver Swan North Project, including at Happs and Yalumba prospects southeast of ESD – H1 2022