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Staff Writer

Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has commence an RC drilling programme at the company’s Silver Swan North project to test the Omrah and Wise nickel targets in Western Australia.

Managing Director, Shane Sadleir, said the drilling programme is targeting an EM conductor for ultra-mafic hosted massive and disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation and other ultramafics in the vicinity.

We are looking forward to testing the EM conductor at Omrah, given the potential for discovery of nickel sulphide mineralisation and the close proximity to Poseidon Nickel’s massive and disseminated nickel sulphide deposits,” he said.

On September29, 2021 Moho announced that three priority exploration targets for nickel had been identified for follow up drilling within its granted tenements at the Silver Swan North Project, 50km north of Kalgoorlie.

The identification of the targets followed the release of updated geological interpretations by the Geological Survey of Western Australia and a review of recent and historical geological and geophysical data by Moho’s exploration team.

The Omrah prospect is host to an untested electromagnetic (EM) conductor which has been confirmed by interpretation of multiple surveys. The approximately 500m long conductive plate is centred at 155m depth, striking SE with a dip of 70° to the NE.

The surface projection of the conductor is coincident with the footwall of a magnetic marker horizon.

A 3,000m RC and diamond drilling programme is planned to not only test the conductor, but also target additional ultramafic lithologies in the proximity. The rig will then move to the nearby Wise prospect to commence 1,200m of RC drilling to investigate magnetic anomalies associated with ultramafic rocks and anomalous historic nickel intercepts.

On October 21, 2021 Moho announced that it had been awarded a grant of $150,000 for the Silver Swan North project under the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) program by the West Australian Government.

The CEI grant will be used by Moho to fund up to 50% of drilling costs associated with the RC and diamond drilling programme to test the potential komatiitic ultramafics associated with the Omrah nickel prospect.

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