MRG Metals Limited (ASX: MRQ) has defined a high-grade mineral sands zone of over eight sq. km at the Nhacutse Target in the company’s Corridor South Project in Mozambique.

The potential at Nhacuste has been further confirmed with assay results from its Phase 2 aircore drilling on two priority zones at the Nhacutse Target. The Phase 2 Nhacutse drilling consisted of 12 aircore holes drilled within the Priority 1 high grade THM target and foiur aircore holes drilled within Priority 2 target.
Assay results from Phase 2 aircore drilling on the Priority 1 target’s approximately 18 sq. km area has further confirmed the aircore results from the company’s Phase 1 aircore drilling at the Nhacutse Target released in November.
Importantly, within this larger footprint, the company has identified a high grade THM zone with a footprint measuring approximately 5.29 sq km, from 16 aircore drillholes at 500m to 1km spacing which assayed an average of 5.29%THM to a depth of 30.18 meters.
Chairman, Andrew Van Der Zwan, said that three even higher grade zones with a total area of approximately 2.5 sq km and an average THM grade of 6.05%THM, were also identified.
The Phase 2 drilling also confirmed that high grade HMS mineralisation extends between and links the Bungane and Nhacutse Prospects.
An inter-laboratory check on analytical results was conducted using the samples from 4 drillholes during this programme. Samples were analysed by Western GeoLabs in Perth, Australia and Scientific Services in Cape Town, South Africa. A very good correlation was found in the results between the two analytical laboratories.
Mr Van Der Zwan,said Phase 2 aircore holes drilled in the Priority 2 target’s approximately five sq km area confirmed the presence of an approximately 1.4 sq km high grade HMS zone and also generated additional Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC) for further mineralogical studies, this work has now been initiated.
The studies will assist in developing further understanding to augment mineralogical studies done from auger drilling around the higher percentage Valuable Heavy Mineral (VHM) found in the east of Corridor Central from Koko Massava drilling and the east of Corridor South from Nhacutse drilling.
Fantastic results at the priority 1 target add to the previous results in the same area, confirming the potential of Nhacutse to host significant tonnage from surface (5.29 sq km footprint) of greater than 5% THM, with internal higher grade pockets (2.5 sq km footprint) of greater than 6%,” Mr Van Der Zwan said.
“Add this to the high grade THM found in Priority target 2, with potential for significantly enhanced VHM, supports both targets for follow up drilling to Mineral Resource Estimate requirements. We now have multiple zones that fit our strategy of identifying the best early mine feed stock, with further opportunities within Corridor South still to be evaluated. With auger drilling due to commence in Marao in January, the first quarter of 2021 is likely to define the priorities for 2021.”