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Staff Writer

Mt Monger Resources Limited (ASX:MTM) has received positive detailed 1.0 metre assay results from a programme of reverse circulation (RC) percussion drilling recently completed at a number of prospect areas at the Mt Monger Gold Project near Kalgoorlie in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

The company has previously reported composite sample assay results for this drilling which highlighted several significant intersections. Assay of primary one metre RC drilling samples has confirmed and refined the intersections from the drill holes. A total of 310 new samples were assayed for gold.

Initial composite sample results from this drilling programme highlighted the potential for gold mineralised structures in all the areas which were tested at Mt Monger,” Managing Director, Lachlan Reynolds, said.

“Pleasingly, the new assays have confirmed the intersections and provided better resolution on the gold grade distribution.

“There is certainly scope for the discovery of a larger mineralised system. Based on these new results, the company is considering further drilling to infill and extend the coverage of the intersected mineralised structures.”

RC Percussion Drilling Programme

A total of 26 RC percussion drill holes were completed at Mt Monger in April 2022. The drilling was designed to test gold mineralisation known at a number of prospect areas at the Mt Monger project, including Red Dale North, Duchess of York, Duchess of York South/Gladiator and Peters Dam.

New Assay Results

Assay of the primary 1m drill samples has confirmed and provided better definition of the gold mineralisation intersections at Red Dale North, northwest Duchess of York, north Gladiator, and the Peters Dam prospects.

As anticipated, the new downhole intersections compare favourably with the original composite samples, though the revised intersections are typically slightly narrower in downhole width and have a higher gold grade.

At the Red Dale North Prospect, hole 22MMRC004 intersected 4m @ 5 g/t Au from 48m downhole. Overall strike length of mineralisation now considered to extend over 300m and is open both along strike and down dip.

Three holes were drilled at the Peters Dam prospect to confirm historic mineralisation and to determine if a continuation of the structure exists to the south. So far, the structure has been defined over 750m strike length, with potential parallel structures existing to the west.

A total of six holes were drilled north of the Gladiator Prospect, with two holes intersecting promising mineralisation and potentially defining a new mineralised structure open in all directions.

Further Work

Results of the more detailed assays confirm widespread gold mineralisation at the Red Dale North, North Gladiator, northwest Duchess of York, and the Peters Dams prospects.

Further drilling is required to evaluate the extent and continuity of the structures that host the mineralisation. The is preparing to rapidly undertake infill work and will commence preparations to undertake the necessary follow-up.

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