Staff Writer

Musgrave Minerals Ltd (ASX: MGV) current RC drilling programme has confirmed its Starlight gold discovery at Break of Day within the Cue Gold Project in the Murchison District of WA.

The programme has intersected strong near surface high-grades in multiple individual lodes, and found that Starlight remains open to the south-east and down dip where drilling is continuing.

Musgrave Managing Director, Rob Waugh, said that importantly, all intercepts reported in the current drilling programme are outside the existing Break of Day resource estimate.

Drilling at Starlight is continuing, with a focus on infilling and extending the high-grade gold mineralisation intersected to date. Drilling will also continue to test for new lodes within the Break of Day and Lena system following the discovery of the new White Light lode located 75m south of Starlight.

“Starlight continues to produce stunning gold results in near surface drilling. Further RC drilling is underway to infill and extend the Starlight mineralisation with the aim of completing a JORC resource update late in Q3 2020.

“Drilling is continuing with two rigs on site and we are confident we can extend Starlight and the new White Light lode and make significant new discoveries in the belt.”

To date a total of 45 RC holes of a planned 59 holes have been completed with assay results received for 39 holes. Three diamond drill hole tails and one twin hole have been completed to date with assays pending. All new assay results are shown in Table 1a with further assays expected within two weeks.

The Starlight and White Light mineralised gold lodes lie proximal to the existing Break of Day resource within separate southeast- northwest parallel mineralised zones approximately 75m apart. Significantly, all the intersections returned from Starlight and White Light sit outside the current resource at Break of Day.

A combination of six metre composites and one metre individual samples have been analysed from the RC holes drilled in the current program. All 6m composite samples above 0.1g/t Au will be re-submitted for individual 1m sample analysis.

Significant intercepts at Starlight include:

  • 85m @ 11.6g/t Au from 7m including; 8m @ 99.0g/t Au from 7m including;  3m @ 254.2g/t Au from 8m and 4m @ 45.5g/t Au from 38m and
6m @ 9.4g/t Au from 86m
  • 68m @ 5.9g/t Au from 21m including; 8m @ 48.5g/t Au from 21m including; 1m @ 300.4g/t Au from 22m
  • 9m @ 10.7g/t Au from 52m including; 6m @ 15.7g/t Au from 52m
  • 6m @ 32.3g/t Au from 61m including; 1m @ 163.3g/t Au from 62m.
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