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Musgrave Minerals Ltd (ASX: MGV) has intersected bonanza gold grades with infill RC drilling at the Big Sky Prospect along the new gold corridor south-west of Lena and Break of Day on its 100% owned ground at its flagship Cue Gold Project in Western Australia’s Murchison district.

Highlight results include 28m @ 35.9g/t Au from 49m (21MORC277) including: 1m @ 898g/t Au from 49m with coarse gold in quartz in RC drill chips.

Managing Director, Rob Waugh, said the very good result and highlights the high-grade potential at Big Sky over the broader 2.6km of strike.

It is unusual on the Yilgarn to see such coarse gold in RC drill chips and the results validate our belief that there are high grade zones within the Big Sky trend,” he said.

“The identification of a new dolerite hosted zone in the footwall of Big Sky is also a positive. This could be the southern extension of the same dolerite unit identified to the north on the Evolution JV.

“Gold can be hosted in many different rock types on the Yilgarn but dolerites are one of the most prolific host lithologies for large deposits. We are drilling full steam ahead to deliver a maiden resource for Big Sky in Q2 2022. It’s an exciting area and we look forward to updating the market with further results as assays are received.”

Infill drilling has identified a bonanza style grade (1.0m @ 898g/t Au from 49m down hole) which is supported by a repeat assay and coarse visible gold identified in the logged sample (the portion not assayed).

Further to this result, new RC drillholes continue to identify strong gold mineralisation in previously untested areas. A number of these new high-grade gold results are within a newly identified dolerite host unit in the footwall of the previously reported Big Sky results. This new gold mineralisation remains open along strike and down dip.

Big Sky Prospect RC drilling south-west of Lena within the new 7km-long gold corridor on MGV’s 100% ground continues to intersect significant gold mineralisation below thin transported hardpan cover (1-6m) at Big Sky.

The Big Sky gold anomaly is defined over 2.6km of continuous strike. Infill resource definition RC drilling is continuing to test the continuity, grade and down dip extent of the Big Sky mineralisation in weathered and fresh basement rock.

The Big Sky Prospect is approximately 2km south-west of Break of Day. A combination of six-metre composite samples and one-metre individual samples have been received from a further 14 RC drill holes in the current programme at Big Sky.

Infill drilling is continuing with the focus on delivering a maiden Resource Estimate in Q2 2022. Significantly, the drilling intersected a bonanza grade intersection at the Big Sky Prospect along with several other high-grade intercepts including:

  • 2.0m @ 6.0g/t Au from 32m (21MORC277), and
  • 28m @ 35.9g/t Au from 49m (21MORC277), including 1.0m @ 898g/t Au from 49m with coarse visible gold.
  • 1m @ 31.1g/t Au from 97m (21MORC275)
  • 1m @ 18.0g/t Au from 36m (21MORC276)
  • 1m @ 9.9g/t Au from 60m (21MORC278)
  • 3m @ 6.2g/t Au from 39m (21MORC279)

RC drilling has also identified high-grade gold mineralisation in a newly identified dolerite host unit just metres into the footwall of the Big Sky mineralised zone.

This unit could be the southern extension of the same dolerite unit hosting the gold mineralisation on the Evolution JV tenure to the north. This new dolerite hosted gold mineralisation remains open along strike and down dip. Assay results for further infill drilling in this area are awaited.

Significant new intersections in the footwall dolerite at Big Sky include:

  • 7m @ 8.6g/t Au from 43m (21MORC212), including:
  • 1m @ 55.2g/t Au from 44m
  • 3m @ 13.2g/t Au from 3m (21MORC213) and
  • 2m @ 6.0g/t Au from 94m to EOH
  • 6m @ 3.6g/t Au from 24m (21MORC216)
  • 10m @ 3.3g/t Au from 106m (21MORC279), including:
  • 2m @ 12.0g/t Au from 110m

 A 9,000m aircore drilling programme is currently being planned to test this new mineralised target zone over an extended strike extent of more than 5km.

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