Staff Writer

New Century Resources Limited (ASX:NCZ) has achieved an important milestone in its proposed start-up of mining activities at the historic Century zinc mine.

The Queensland Government’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) has approved an amendment to the existing Environmental Authority EPML00888813 (EA), to allow progressive economic rehabilitation activities at the mine.

New Century receives important government approval

Importantly, the EA amendment allows for tailings to be relocated back into the original Century open pit and rehabilitated via sub-aqueous deposition as opposed to capping of the tailings dam.

New Century managing director Patrick Walta said the amendment to the EA follows exhaustive reviews and analysis of the proposed economic rehabilitation operations by the company, which culminated in the determination by DEHP that a ‘minor’ amendment to the existing EA was required.

“It is pleasing to receive strong support for the Project from Queensland Government agencies for our economic rehabilitation program the Century Mine,” Mr Walta said.

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“New Century has worked closely with the DEHP and the Department of State Development to ensure this Project, and the extensive economic benefits it will deliver for the North West Minerals Province, can commence as planned in 2018.”

Mr Walta said New Century is now on track to become Australia’s premier progressive economic mine rehabilitation company.

“The company’s development and rehabilitation model for the Century Mine, combining both metallurgical expertise and environmental management competency, is set to deliver long term economic benefits and practical rehabilitation solutions for the mine.

“The strategy also represents a credible model which has potential to be adopted at other large mining operations in Australia and around the world,” he said.

The Century Zinc Mine was the 3rd largest zinc mine in the world prior to its closure in 2016 and still hosts extensive Mineral Resources in excess of 2,600,000t zinc, 700,000t lead & 42.5Moz silver.

New Century acquired an initial 70% interest in the Mine in early 2017 and is currently undertaking a Restart Feasibility Study into the recommissioning of the existing Century Processing Plant via the initial treatment of tailings before examining its other primary ore sources.

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