NickelX Limited (ASX: NKL) has identified two very strong basement hosted anomalies at the Dalwallinu Nickel Project through its recently completed MLEM and FLEM Surveys.

The company is seeking Julimar style mineralisation at the project located in the West Yilgarn area of WA.
The MLEM and FLEM Survey results confirm the prospectivity of Dalwallinu to host massive sulphide mineralisation, and combined with high tenure Ni, Cu and PGE in soil geochemical results, closes the loop on the application of modern geophysics and detailed sampling to further refine drill targets at Dalwallinu, where the Company is seeking Julimar Style Nickel-Copper-PGE mineralisation,” Managing Director, Matt Gauci, said.
During April and May 2023, a series of Moving-Loop Electromagnetic (MLEM) and Fixed-Loop Electromagnetic (FLEM) geophysical surveys were completed within E70/5398 at the Dalwallinu Project for NickelX Ltd.
The objective of the surveys was to identify basement conductors associated with elevated Ni, Cu and PGE in soil geochemical results and associated magnetic features identified in a 2023 Drone magnetic survey over the project.
A programme of MLEM was initially planned to cover priority areas over the main magnetic trend within E70/5398, this program consisted of nine first order priority MLEM traverses, with infill based on results. Surveying was completed using 200 m x 200 m loops with the receiver placed 200 m to the west of the loop centre in Slingram configuration.
After initial analysis of the MLEM results, two FLEM loops were planned to cover anomalies observed in the MLEM results. FLEM loops were positioned to the west of the inferred axis of the MLEM conductor with 100 m spaced traverse with 50 m station spacing planned over the MLEM anomaly.
The northern FLEM grid covered a discrete, strong late-time anomaly observed over MLEM traverses 6647500mN and 6647700mN. Results of the FLEM survey modelling indicates a 210 x 270 m plate with moderate conductance (3,800 S) striking in line with a moderate magnetic trend and dipping steeply to the west. The modelling suggests a depth to top of the conductor of approximately 100 m.
Next Steps
The company is in the process of obtaining necessary approvals to drill test the anomalies, as well as engaging drill contractors to carry out the work.