NickelX Limited (ASX:NK) has commenced exploration activities at the Dalwallinu Nickel Project in WA, seeking Julimar style mineralisation in the emerging W Yilgarn following the completion of the Tenement Sale Agreement.

Sensorem Pty Ltd has been engaged by the company and has commenced a low-level drone magnetometer survey of the entire project area at 50m line spacing. The magnetic survey will help constrain the magmatic stratigraphy of the target intrusive prospective for nickel-copper-PGE mineralisation. It is anticipated that the results of the magnetic survey will be available by the end of November.
Geochemical, geophysical and field work programs have been planned and are being organised covering the high priority D1 target and the priority D2-D12 targets over a strike length of 6km of the Barra Barra greenstone belt where mafic and ultramafic units have been identified.
The NickelX exploration team have hit the ground running soon after the acquisition of the Dalwallinu Nickel Project with key appointments made and geochemical, geophysical and field work programs initially underway,” Managing Director Matt Gauci said.
Dalwallinu Nickel Project Summary
The Dalwallinu Nickel Project (E70/5398) covers 86km2 of the underexplored Barra Barra Greenstone belt in the emerging West Yilgarn Nickel-Copper-PGE Province, which is host to a number of recent Nickel-Copper-PGE discoveries including the world class Julimar Nickel- Copper-PGE deposit. The Dalwallinu Nickel Project is located 208km NE of Perth and 1km off the Great Northern Highway, WA.
Recent geochemical and geophysical work programs evaluated by the company have identified approximately 12 priority Nickel-Copper-PGE targets over a strike length of 6km, with more detailed geochemical, geophysical and drilling work being organised.