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Nickel X Limited (ASX:NKL) has successfully completed a second and follow up magnetic survey across the southern portion of the Cosmos South Nickel Project in Western Australia.

The survey was undertaken to enhance existing prominent magnetic features consistent with buried channelised komatiite volcanic rocks prospective for nickel sulphide mineralisation.

Nickel X contracted Drone Geoscience Pty Ltd to undertake a Drone Magnetic survey over the southern portion of M36/580, and Southern Geoscience Consultants Pty Ltd to process the data with a view to map further the ultramafic rocks and identify drill targets at the CS2 target.

Data processing is underway including integration of data received from the initial survey over the northern portion of M36/580 The Cosmos South Nickel Project is located 10km South of the world-class high-grade Cosmos Nickel operations (IGO Limited) and 20km N of the world class Leinster Nickel operations (BHP – Nickel West), within the prolific Wiluna Greenstone Belt (WGB), WA.

This second and follow up survey over the southern portion of M36/580 at the CS2 Target aims to enhance existing prominent magnetic features consistent with buried channelised komatiite volcanic rocks prospective for nickel sulphide mineralisation,” Managing Director, Matt Gauci, said.

“Processing of the data is underway with results expected in the coming weeks to define drill targets at CS2. Meanwhile we are well advanced in permitting to drill test the CS1 Target in the northern portion of M36/580, where coincident EM conductors and magnetic anomalies present a highly prospective target. The planned drill programme is supported by a WA Government EIS Grant.”

Cosmos South Nickel Project Summary

Cosmos South M36/580 is situated within a highly endowed nickel rich region of the Wiluna Greenstone Belt (WGB). The WGB hosts world class nickel deposits of the Leinster Nickel Operations, Mt Keith, Yakabindie, Honeymoon Well and Cosmos.

The Cosmos South project is covered by recent transported cover sequences associated with the Lake Miranda drainage system. Mapping of subsurface lithology is dependent on interpretation of geophysical data.

Existing airborne magnetic survey data at Cosmos South was not considered optimal for use in drill targeting at CS2. The recent Drone Magnetics survey was completed on 25 m spaced east-west traverses at a height of approximately 30m above ground, offering significantly better data resolution and importantly integration with the recent survey undertaken over the CS1 Target.

The survey objective of the Drone Magnetics was to better define the magnetic characteristics of the strata and to better map subsurface structure (faults, etc) and lithology based on the results.

The resolution of the existing magnetic data was insufficient to map local variations in the interpreted buried komatiite volcanic lithologies that may represent channelised environments within the larger komatiite sequence. Such channelised volcanic flows are critical to formation of nickel sulphide deposits.

Next Steps

Data has been received over the CS2 Target and processing is underway including the integration of data received from CS1 Target survey, to better define the magnetic characteristics of the strata and to better map subsurface structure and lithology based on the results. Results and drill hole planning for CS2 is anticipated to be complete within the coming weeks.

Additionally, the company is currently in the process of obtaining the required access agreements, permits and contractor engagement to drill test the CS1 target identified. Four drill holes are planned (in two sets of two drill holes) to test the near-surface and down dip extension of the conductivity and magnetic features identified.

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