NickelX Limited (ASX:NKL) has encountered a 153m wide zone with multiple horizons of stringer, vein, semi-massive and massive breccia sulphide with the first hole at the Cosmos South Project in Western Australia.

Diamond drill hole NKLCSDD001 encountered multiple horizons up to 20m core width between downhole depths from 334m to 487m. The first hole was completed at 492.5m in mafic volcanic sediments.
The sulphides encountered comprise pyrrhotite-marcasite/pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite as breccia matrix surrounding lithic fragments contained within quartz veins and broad zones of massive sulphide and quartz-breccia hosted within ultramafic and mafic volcanics and volcanogenic sediments.
Portable XRF did not detect nickel in the sulphide assemblages. However, the host geology and sulphide composition and sulphide-quartz breccia matrix habit encountered are similar to descriptions of the nearby Bellevue Gold Mine host geology and mineralisation. The sulphide bearing intervals will be assayed for gold.
The massive sulphide intersected is likely the source of the highly conductive electromagnetic response targeted at the CS1 Target and may account for the magnetic anomaly due to the massive pyrrhotite content.
The Cosmos South Project is located 10km south of the world-class high-grade Cosmos Nickel operations (IGO Limited), 20km north of the world class Leinster Nickel operations (BHP – Nickel West), and six km E of the Bellevue Gold Mine (Bellevue Gold Ltd) within the prolific Wiluna Greenstone Belt (WGB), WA.
Cosmos South Nickel Project Summary
Cosmos South M36/580 is situated within a highly endowed nickel and gold rich region of the Wiluna Greenstone Belt (WGB). The WGB hosts world class nickel …deposits of the Leinster Nickel Operations, Mt Keith, Yakabindie, Honeymoon Well and Cosmos as well as gold deposits at Bellevue Gold.