Octava Minerals Ltd (ASX:OCT) has commenced a soil sampling programme at the highly prospective Talga project in the Pilbara region of WA.

The Talga Project covers an area of 202 sq. km comprising seven granted Exploration Licences which are centred about 30km north of the Marble Bar town site.
The Talga project is considered by the company to be highly prospective for the discovery of hard rock, LCT type (lithium- caesium-tantalum) pegmatites, being located only 10km to north of the Archer Lithium Resource. There is also strong potential for the discovery of gold and base metals across the wider tenement holding.
The company recently engaged Western Geospectral to complete a Hyperspectral Survey across the greater Talga Project. Modern high spectral resolution (hyperspectral) remote sensing systems involve the remote measurement of the detailed spectral radiance of the Earth’s surface for the purpose of identifying and mapping surface materials to assist in exploration. Many rock-forming minerals exhibit unique spectral signatures.
The Talga Project covers portions of the Marble Bar greenstone belt and the adjacent Doolena Gap greenstone belt which is straddled to the north and south respectively by the Muccan and Mount Edgar granitoid complexes.
A major focus of Octava is on the lithium potential within the tenements, but the gold and base metal potential of the greenstones within the wider tenement area is also of interest.
The Hyperspectral survey identified that “there are several lobes within the granite with relict mafic pod of resorbed greenstone around the Nimerry prospect that show similarities in the spectral data with the Archer lithium project geology”, located 10km to the south.
The survey has identified several additional exploration targets.
A soil sampling programme covering these priority target areas identified is underway with the objective of progressing to drill targets.