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Staff Writer

Pacifico Minerals Limited (ASX: PMY) has kicked—off a Phase III extensional and exploration drilling campaign at its Sorby Hills Lead-Silver-Zinc Project near Kununurra in northern Western Australia.

The company’s Managing Director Simon Noon said Pacifico is targeting the development of a large near-surface, flat-lying lead-silver-zinc deposit at Sorby Hills.

This latest campaign follows a highly successful Phase II drilling programme was conducted on the project from May to July 2019. That phase focused on shallow mineralisation above 100m depth that may be mineable by open pit at B and CDEF.

The programme also provided data for geotechnical (pit wall stability) studies for pit designs and samples for ongoing metallurgical test work. Phase II consisted of 31 RC holes, including 11 as RC pre-collars to diamond tails, and 44 HQ3 diamond holes for a combined total of 5,959m.

Final laboratory analyses from Phase II confirmed the geological continuity of the mineralisation at the CDEF deposit. Results received from the B Deposit indicate major shallow (from 10m) extensions of the Indicated Resource area which remains open to the north and south and is considered likely to link up with A Deposit.

Mr Noon said the Phase III drilling programme will include approximately 3,265m of RC drilling across a planned 49 drill.

He said the drilling programme aims to increase confidence and allow for the conversion of Inferred Resources to Indicated Resource status, increase the Inferred Resource inventory and follow up on historic intercepts.

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