Pantera Minerals Limited (ASX:PFE) will kick off a 1,800 m DD programme in early July at the Hellcat Project, located in the Edmund Basin of Western Australia.

The go-ahead for the programme follows the cultural clearance and the completion of earthworks. The cultural clearance was granted by the Njarmuwangga Wajarri and Ngaelawangga Native Title Holders of the drill locations and access corridors.
The cultural clearance of the Hellcat Diamond drilling program allowing for the commencement of earthworks, and with those earthworks now completed is an important step,” CEO, Matt Hansen, said.
“Pantera is thankful to the assistance provided by the Njarmuwangga Wajarri and Ngaelawangga Native Title Holders. The commencement of the Hellcat Diamond drilling program in early July is a significant step in the growth of Pantera, allowing the company to test the multiple geophysical and geochemical anomalies within the project area.”
The DD programme will consist of four drill-holes and is designed to test high priority gravity targets and modelled Electromagnetic conductors.
Cultural clearance was granted for four 300m x 300m drilling areas, allowing for additional drilling within those four cleared areas pending results.
Project Background
Located within the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia, the Hellcat Project covers 442 sq. km of tenure considered prospective for base and precious metal mineralisation.
Hellcat represents a greenfields project with advanced, drill-ready geophysical targets, exhibiting gravity and EM signatures similar to the globally significant Abra lead-silver deposit, which is located 100 kms east of Teano. The Teano gravity and EM anomaly identified within the Hellcat Project is analogous to the anomalous geophysical response observed at the Abra Deposit, indicating the presence of dense minerals at depth.
The observed fresh galena within quartz veins and altered carbonate host rocks further increase the prospectivity of the Teano project.
Pantera Minerals acquired 80% interest of the Hellcat Project in December 2021.