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Staff Writer

Base and precious metals explorer Peel Mining continues to make a name for itself in the Cobar Basin in western NSW unearthing further high grade results at its Wagga Tank – Southern Nights project and identifying encouraging signs from new exploration approximately 500 metres south of Southern Nights.

The drilling to the south of Southern nights included two drill holes, with the first identifying a 6m sphalerite-galena rich massive sulphide interval from ~234m downhole, with further disseminated and stringer zinc, lead and copper sulphide mineralisation extending to the end of hole.

The second hit included multiple intervals of massive and stringer sulphide mineralisation from between ~233m to ~264 downhole, with locally intense sphalerite-galena mineralisation.

Assays for the drilling are anticipated shortly and commenting on the new find, Peel managing director Rob Tyson said:

“The new high-grade intercepts at the southern edge of Southern Nights continue to underline the incredible quality and scale of these mineral systems.

“The latest intercepts are on the edge of the current resource model offering excellent exploration upside.

Most importantly, this mineralisation adds further weight to the future development prospects of the project, highlighting the opportunity to increase the grade and tonnage profile of the deposit.”

While the new results will add to the potential of Southern Nights the explorer will also continue to inspect the main zones of the deposit with drilling to upgrade the resource ongoing.

Meanwhile, the Company has concurrently released further strong results from the adjacent Wagga Tank deposit.

The drilling has been designed to test for north-south extensions to the existing resource and also to provide infill drilling to improve the confidence of the resource.

The latest drill hits from Wagga Tank include 18.6m @ 1.10% Cu, 0.32 g/t Au from 124.4m, including 9m @ 1.70% Cu, 0.39 g/t Au from 134m.

Peel has also been busy inspecting what it is dubbing the Corridor Zone, a plot of land between the two deposits. Initial results have been positive and the explorer has stated that it will look to further plan and drill this prospective corridor.

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