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Newly listed Pioneer Lithium (ASX Code: PLN) has made an “extremely positive” start to its recently commenced exploration program at the company’s 90%- owned Root Lake Lithium Project in Ontario, Canada with the discovery of multiple pegmatite outcrops in the Extended Morrison Corridor.

Whilst the thick overburden has limited the team’s prospecting and mapping activities, it is extremely pleasing to see these initial encouraging results. The discovery of multiple pegmatites at Extended Morrison confirms our initial expectations of the potential for the continuation of the Morrison-McCombe pegmatite system. We are looking forward to including this information to support the design of the upcoming drilling program,” CEO, Clinton Booth, said.

The Autumn Fieldwork Program, which commenced recently in conjunction with Pioneer Lithium’s experienced lithium geological consultants Coast Mountain Geological (CMG), has identified three new pegmatites during initial prospecting activities along the Extended Morrison Corridor in the north-western portion of the Root Lake Project area, which could represent a continuation of the Morrison-McCombe pegmatite system (Inferred Resource 4.5Mt @ 1.01% Li2O)1 held by Green Technology Metals (ASX:GT1) immediately to the west.

The pegmatite outcrops, observed over a 3km strike-length, are generally white in colour and can be easily differentiated from the surrounding mafic metavolcanic host rocks. Outcrops identified to date are up to 4.0m wide and are exposed over lengths of up to 10m. Importantly, all are open in multiple directions, but are concealed beneath thick overburden and densely vegetated forestry in what has proven to challenging terrain for field teams.

Initial interpretation of observations made in the field suggest that mineral assemblages include medium to coarse-grained crystals of potassium feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, muscovite and tourmaline, a common accessory mineral in LCT (Lithium-Caesium-Tantalum) pegmatites and an indicator of granite fractionation.

CMG personnel are in the process of systemically selecting grab samples and will shortly commence lithogeochemical channel sampling, with samples to be submitted for assaying once the fieldwork program has been completed.

To assist with the resolution of pegmatites under cover, the collection of additional geophysical datasets to support the development of high-confidence drill targets ahead of a maiden winter drilling program will be considered.

Field work will continue over the coming weeks, moving towards the Central Corridor in the south-eastern portion of the Root Lake Project area, which lies along the same trend as GT1s Root Bay pegmatite system (Inferred Resource 8.1Mt @ 1.32% Li2O)1 and recently announced Root Bay West spodumene discovery which is being actively explored.

The Root Lake Project comprises 94 claims totalling 1,927ha, located within the eastern Superior Province straddling the Sydney Lake-Lake St. Joseph Fault, an east-west trending, steeply dipping brittle-ductile shear zone that defines the boundary between the Uchi and English River Sub-provinces.

Several S-Type, peraluminous granitic plutons hosting lithium and other rare-metal mineralised pegmatites have been discovered in proximity to the Sydney Lake-Lake St. Joseph Fault, including Green Technology Metals’ McCombe, Morrison and Root Bay deposits (Root Lake Pegmatite Group), all of which are situated within 5km of the Root Lake Project.

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