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Staff Writer

Power Minerals Limited (ASX: PNN) has successfully completed its first Mineral Resource definition drillhole on the Incahuasi salar at the Salta Lithium-Brine Project, in the Salta province in the lithium triangle of north-west Argentina.

The hole reached basement rock at a total depth of 400m. Highly positive salar evaporite and semi-consolidated sedimentary lithologies were intersected to a depth of 339m before reaching basement rock.

This included a 191m interval (from 138 to 339m depth), which contained brine with visual medium to high drainable porosity which has the potential to host significant quantities of lithium.

Executive Director Mena Habib said Power is very excited by the encouraging visual results from its first Mineral Resource definition drill hole at the Incahuasi salar at the Salta Project. Additional drilling at Incahuasi is designed to deliver a maiden JORC Mineral Resource for lithium at this salar, while upcoming drilling at the Pocitos and Rincon salares aims to deliver a substantial increase to the current Mineral Resource at the Project. Obtaining a large inventory of high-quality lithium brine represents a key step in the development pathway for the Project.

The Salta Lithium-Brine Project consists of seven mining leases over a total area of 147.07 sq. km that are on five salares.

Next Steps:

  • Conduct brine sampling of drillhole PM22-IN-01 to determine brine density and indicative aquifer flow rate using packer tests, following down-hole electrical conductivity survey. Results of these tests will be reported following compilation and interpretation.
  • Brine samples obtained from the packer tests will be sent for laboratory assessment for multi- element geochemical analysis, including lithium content and related salts. Selected drill core samples will be sent to an accredited laboratory for physical property tests, especially drainable porosity. Results will be reported as received.
  • Complete planned drilling at Incahuasi salar including drillhole PM22-IN-02 (Figure 3b) to test a highly conductive subsurface TEM geophysical conductor, indicating high-flow and highly saturated brines. Further shallow ~50m holes may be drilled to test for near-surface water in alluvial fans.
  • Based on drilling and test results, a maiden JORC Mineral Resource estimate is planned to be completed at the Incahuasi Project in Q1 calendar 2023.

Following completion of drilling at the Incahuasi salar, drilling is planned to progress at the Pocitos and Rincon salares within the Salta Project.

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