Predictive Discovery Limited(ASX: PDI) is accelerating its drilling campaign at the Bankan Gold Project in Guinea with three RC- DD drill rigs active across the project area and a second Diamond Drill (DD) rig now in operation at the NE Bankan gold discovery.

All three rigs are operating on double shift, targeting a maiden JORC resource in mid-2021.
The 25,000m Bankan-2 drilling programme is now operating at full capacity, while NE Bankan one RC and one DD rig are both on double shift with 10 RC holes completed so far.
The company is awaiting assay results from SGS Bamako (Mali) with 740 DD, 1,406 RC and 1,101 power auger samples now submitted for testing.
Assay results are expected by early February and will continue for some months during the extensive 25,000 metre Bankan-2 drill programme.
Geological understanding of the gold mineralised system is improving with abundant gold observed in a new petrological study of core samples.
At least 10,000m of power auger drilling will be completed in the next 2 months with two rigs substantially extending auger coverage on the Bankan Project.
An airborne magnetic and radiometric survey designed to identify structural drill targets across the Bankan Project is expected to commence in approximately two weeks.
With cash on hand of $14 million at end December 2020, Predictive says it is well funded to complete its aggressive drill campaign and delivery of its maiden JORC Resource in mid-2021.
Total metres drilled to date in the Bankan-2 drill programme comprise 9,356m of power auger, 1,573m of RC and 989m of DD. At present 10 RC-holes have been drilled at NE Bankan and three DD-holes have been completed at Bankan Creek.
The RC holes at NE Bankan are designed to test the down-dip extensions of previously discovered thick zones of gold mineralisation in the centre of the gold deposit.
RC holes have been drilled to a maximum down-hole depth of 200m, with DD “tails” now in progress, designed to complete the full planned length of each of these holes and completing coverage of the target zones. The diamond tails are designed to extend the length of each hole by 110m on average.
At Bankan Creek DD has tested below and along strike to the north of the outstanding KKODD020 gold intercept of 91.6m at 1.9g/t gold.