Staff Writer

Pursuit Minerals Limited (ASX:PUR) has provided an exploration update for its Warrior Project, including air core (AC) drilling results from Calingiri East and auger geochemistry results from Bindi Bindi.

The prospectivity of the Ablett Prospect has been confirmed by multiple broad low-grade gold intervals from AC drilling completed in Q2. The gold mineralising system extends over 800m length and a coherent picture of west-dipping mineralisation is emerging which is very encouraging,” Managing Director, Bob Affleck, said.

“In addition, the multi-element orogenic gold signature from recent auger work is confirmed in bedrock and lower saprolite assay results. This opens a new exploration space at the project and strengthens the case for ongoing exploration on additional targets that weren’t tested in the Q2 drill program.”

Calingiri East AC Drilling Results

In May of this year the Company completed AC drilling over auger geochemistry targets at Smogo’s, Phil’s Hill West and Ablett at its 100% owned Calingiri Eas Project. A total of 58 holes for 2,085m were completed before wet weather and seeding stopped drilling. Key traverses to the SE of Ablett over highly anomalous AuBi-As-Sb weighted-sum geochemistry were not completed and will be considered post crops harvesting in late Q4.

Ablett Results

Limited AC drilling at Ablett (24 holes for 971m) identified low grade gold mineralisation beneath the auger geological anomaly reported 31st March 2022. The drilling extended the NNW-SSE trending gold mineralisation footprint to >800m, aligning well with gold mineralisation previously discovered by Quadrio Exploration and remains open in all directions. Anomalism is associated with quartz-sericite alteration, with lithological boundaries appearing to be a factor in the development of mineralisation.

The orogenic gold Au-Bi-As-Sb-Pb geochemical signature noted in auger sampling of laterites has been confirmed in lower saprolite (weathered bedrock) and basement 4m composite assays from the program (Figure 3), along with bottom of hole (BOH) mineralisation.

Key results include:

  • 22WAC0030 – 16m @ 0.19 g/t Au from surface, including 8m @ 0.245 g/t Au from 4m, and 12m @ 0.15 g/t Au from 28m, including 4m @ 0.31 g/t Au from 28m
  • 22WAC0036 – 7m @ 0.16 g/t Au from 52m, including 3m @ 0.212 from 56m
  • 22WAC0037 – 4m @ 0.125 g/t Au from surface
  • 22WAC0038 – 4m @ 0.16 g/t Au from 32m and; 3m @ 0.14 g/t Au from 44m
  • 22WAC0045 – 7m @ 0.154 g/t Au from 28m to end of hole (EOH)

These broad spaced (320m) first-pass AC traverses suggest a significant gold system in the Ablett area which is very encouraging and warrants follow-up drilling. Resampling of anomalous intervals on a metre basis has been completed and submitted for assay to better understand the gold distribution.

A key question is whether gold grades improve or mineralisation widths widen with depth and the Company is planning a considered follow-up programme once crops are harvested in late Q4.

Smogo’s and Phil’s Hill West Results

A limited AC programme at Smogo’s (16 holes for 568m) intersected ultramafics with elevated nickel and chrome. Copper values were generally low and may have been stripped from the ultramafics by hydrothermal activity. It is becoming clearer that Smogo’s hosts multiple ultramafic units and further work is needed to map out their distribution.

Further MLEM programs may be required to progress the prospects in a measured way once preliminary MLEM results are received. At Phil’s Hill West the AC drilling (18 holes for 519m) did not sample Cu, Pd and Pt anomalism previously identified in auger sampling, suggesting the source lies to the east and uphill of the drilling and closer to Phil’s Hill itself.

This information is being incorporated into a new 3D model of the Phil’s Hill mineralising system currently being compiled by Pursuit’s exploration team. The 3D model will guide future work at the prospect to locate the source of anomalism and the heart of the mineralising system.

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