Pursuit Minerals Limited (ASX: PUR) believes it may be on to a significant mineralised area at its Bluebush Zinc Project, northwest Queensland following more strong drill results.

Results from the fourth drill hole of the current Bluebush drilling program intersected a mineralised fault zone containing sphalerite (zinc sulphide) and galena (lead sulphide) mineralisation from 188.3m to 223.4m down hole vertical depth, within a strongly brecciated fault zone.
Zinc and lead mineralisation was also intersected in a pyritic laminated siltstone and mudstone unit (‘PSM’) below the mineralised zone. This is same geological unit which contains zinc and lead mineralisation in Pursuit’s previous Bluebush drill hole, located 1460m to the south.
Pursuit Minerals Managing Director Jeremy Read said that when taken together the fault zone mineralisation, plus the SEDEX style mineralisation in the PSM unit, show characteristics comparable with the super-giant super zinc deposits at the nearby Century mine and McArthur River in the Northern Territory.
“The mineralisation in the fault zone in drill hole BB04-17 is zinc dominated with values in excess of 7% Zn,” Mr Read said.
“This is consistent with this mineralisation being remobilised from a nearby body of SEDEX style zinc mineralisation as both the Century and McArthur zinc deposits show similar zones of zinc remobilised into fault zones.
“This year’s drilling has defined an area, between and in close proximity to, drill holes BB03- 17 and BB04-17 of enhanced grade zinc mineralisation, in comparison to the overall Bluebush system and this will be further investigated with follow up drilling in 2018.”
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The Bluebush Project is one of two key projects Pursuit recently purchased from Teck Australia Pty Ltd. Within the Bluebush basin.
Pursuit says the results to date have achieved the objective of the 2017 Bluebush Project drilling program to discover a focal point to the larger Bluebush zinc mineralisation system.
Follow up drilling will be conducted in 2018 in order to determine if a world-class orebody of zinc and lead mineralisation occurs between, and in close proximity to, drill holes BB03-17 and BB04-17.
The Bluebush Project is located approximately 280km north-northwest of Mount Isa and 72km northeast of the Century Mine in northwest Queensland.