Colin Hay


Ragnar Metals (ASX: RAG) has obtained promising early results from geophysical programmes at its Lithium and Rare Earth Projects in Sweden.


Integrating these geophysical programs in conjunction with the summer field program is expected to delineate potential drill targets at the Orrvik Lithium Project.


An Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Survey at Orrvik highlighted three new large target areas to the west of historical drilling that could represent pegmatite bodies which have not been drill tested and are also open to the north and the south.


A notable high resistivity anomaly has been identified in correlation with exposed spodumene-bearing pegmatites that are important as a proof of concept for the technology.


A gravity survey has also been completed at Orrvik and interpretation is currently underway.


Geophysical and geochemical work programs are ongoing in the lead up to the summer field season.


“We have designed and executed a various range of geophysical programs during the winter season in Sweden as the presence of snow cover obstructs the outcropping geology and hinders field reconnaissance trips,” Executive Director Eddie King said.


“The amalgamation of all collected geophysical data, coupled with an upcoming summer field season positions Ragnar Metals optimally for an inaugural trenching and drilling campaign on its lithium assets. The resistivity survey has produced some impressive results along strike from spodumene bearing pegmatites with some areas that have yet to undergo drill testing.”


Based on these encouraging results the following programs are in progress:

  1. Ground gravity surveys have recently concluded at the Orrvik lithium and Olserum REE projects, with ongoing data processing and interpretation. At Orrvik, these surveys will also be crucial in delineating spodumene-bearing pegmatite dikes by distinguishing the significant density contrast between mafic-ultramafic rocks and pegmatites. Pegmatite models typically manifest as distinctive negative gravity anomalies, aiding in the identification of dyke/sill- like mineralised pegmatites.
  2. An airborne drone survey has been conducted over priority areas at the Orrvik and Bergom Lithium projects and the Olserum REE projects, with data currently undergoing processing and review. At Orrvik, the airborne magnetic survey aims to elucidate structural controls on pegmatite emplacement and establish connections between regional shear, fault, and dilational zones with known mineral and geochemical anomalies.
  3. A biogeochemistry survey will soon commence at the Orrvik lithium project. This survey utilizes the dead bark of trees as natural sampling tools which absorb trace elements from soil, bedrock, and water, thereby providing insights into geochemical compositions in regions where desired rocks may be obscured by glacial terrain.
  4. The amalgamation of all collected geophysical data and an upcoming field season in summer position Ragnar Metals optimally for its inaugural channel and/or drilling campaign on its lithium assets.
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