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Staff Writer

3D modelling of Induced Polarization and Resistivity/ Chargeability Survey (IP-R) data has helped Ragnar Metals Limited (ASX: RAG) identify a number of new drill targets at the company’s Swedish nickel project at Tullsta.

The company recently revealed that the IP-R geophysical survey had successfully extended the Granmuren nickel mineralisation previously discovered at Tullsta.

Chairman Steve Formica said the Granmuren nickel deposit is strongly supported by the generated 3D models and is characterised by a steeply dipping zone forming an anomaly of up to 150m wide within a gabbroic host rock intrusion.

Within this zone there are multiple lenses of nickel sulphide mineralisation which were highlighted during the IP-R survey.

Mr Formica said the IP-R survey also defined a continuous body that extends from surface to below the drilling which is open to the north and west.

Magnetic and gravity modelling also indicates a western to north-westerly plunging body which is supported by the results of this recent geophysical survey.

In addition, there is a weakly north plunging, Eastern Anomaly as well as a developing Southern Anomaly that warrant further investigation.

“Computer modelling of the recently completed geophysical survey has returned very encouraging results that not only highlights the existing Granmuren nickel mineralisation, but also demonstrates potential to expand the mineralisation at depth,” Mr Formica said.

Our geoscientific team are excited with the results and plan to validate the targets in the field and submit Works Permits to the Mines Inspectorate to undertake drilling of the targets.

“Ragnar believe that Granmuren has the potential to grow as Scandinavia and the adjoining Karelia Province in north-west Russia are one of the major nickel- copper provinces of the world.”

Ragnar is now preparing Work Permits for the planned drilling to be submitted to the Swedish Mines Inspectorate.

The campaign will be made up of four holes for 2,200m initially planned for Phase 1 with an additional four holes for 1,550m in Phase 2.

Drilling is planned for Q3 once Work Permits are granted and prior to winter onset.

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