Staff Writer

Ragusa Minerals Limited (ASX: RAS) has completed its maiden mineral resource estimate (JORC 2012) at the company’s 100% owned multi-commodity REE and kaolinite/halloysite Burracoppin Project in Western Australia.

A maiden 96Mt at 80 ISO-B inferred kaolinite/halloysite resource has been defined at the project using an ISO-B cutoff of 70, which includes 36Mt at 1,356ppm TREO (using a 400ppm cut-off).

The company is very excited to have completed its maiden JORC 2012 inferred Mineral Resource Estimate at our 100% owned Burracoppin Project – a true multi-commodity development opportunity for highly valued and strategic critical minerals, including TREO/Rare Earth Elements (REE) and kaolin/halloysite,” Ragusa Chair, Jerko Zuvela, said.

“The shallow and high-grade REE mineralisation alongside the kaolinite and halloysite is very exciting and adds significant potential to the project.”


Maiden Inferred (JORC 2012) Mineral Resource Estimate for the company’s multi- commodity Rare Earth Elements (REE) + kaolin/halloysite project, comprising;

36Mt at 1,356ppm Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) of Rare Earth bearing material (using 400ppmTREO cut-off) within the -45μm size fraction, contained within the global resource. – this equates to 20,000t of combined TREO products

  • An estimated global inferred resource of 96Mt @ ISO-B 80 (using an ISO –  Brightness (ISO-B) cut-off of 70) of kaolinite/halloysite bearing material, comprising
    • 51Mt @ ISO-B 83 of ultra bright white kaolinite/halloysite (>80 ISO-B) bearing material and;
    • 29Mt @ ISO-B 78 of bright white kaolinite/halloysite (>75<80 ISO-B) bearing material and,
    • 16Mt @ ISO-B 73 of white kaolinite/halloysite (>70<75 ISO-B) bearing material
    • This equates to 36.9Mt of kaolin product & 2.1Mt of halloysite product
  • Resource is within less than 5% of Ragusa’s 100% owned tenure with significant resource expansion upside potential
  • The Burracoppin Project has multi-commodity development potential with REE product + kaolin/halloysite (compared to stand-alone REE projects)

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