Recharge Metals Limited (ASX: REC) has commenced drilling at the Brandy Hill South Project in Western Australia.

The first phase of the programme is comprised of eight (8) Reverse Circulation (RC) drillholes which have been designed to test the continuity of mineralisation, extensions along strike and to verify previous assay results to a depth of 150m. The second phase is designed to test the down-dip extent of mineralisation to 250m and is scheduled to commence in late November 2021.
The Brandy Hill South Project is located within the Archaean Gullewa Greenstone Belt in the Murchison Province of the Yilgarn Craton.
The main structure within the Brandy Hill South Project is the Salt Creek Shear that trends north-south and deforms the belt on a regional scale. Cross-cutting northeast and northwest faults are secondary to this, with Riedal structures occurring between parallel faults.
The first phase of the program is comprised of eight Reverse Circulation (RC) drillholes which have been designed to test the continuity of mineralisation, extensions along strike and to verify previous assay results to a depth of 150m.
The second phase is designed to test the down-dip extent of mineralisation to 250m and is scheduled to commence in late November 2021.
Significant historical drilling intersections at Brandy Hill South include:
- 75m @ 0.55% Cu, finishing in mineralisation, including 23m @ 1.29% Cu and 3.4 g/t Ag and 300 ppm W, within a highly altered dolerite with quartz veining and abundant sulphides of massive pyrite and microcrystalline chalcopyrite stringers
- 12m @ 1.10% Cu and 14.9 g/t Ag, 0.22 g/t Au; including intersection of a zone of strong Au-Cu-Ag-Pt-Pd mineralisation including 1m @ 2.15g/t Au, 112g/t Ag and 2.10% Cu
- 16m @ 0.48% Cu, including 3m @ 1.47% Cu, 8.7 g/t Ag and 445 ppm