Revolver Resources Holdings Limited (ASX:RRR) has identified multiple priority conductive anomalies across numerous areas within the tenement following the completion of the Heli-EM survey, using the NRG “Xcite” system, specifically flown for the Dianne Project in far north Queensland’s Hodgkinson Province.

Background and Context
The Dianne Project is centred around the Dianne copper deposit which is hosted in deformed Palaeozoic shale and greywacke of the Hodgkinson Formation.
The deposit type has been interpreted by previous explorers to be volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) predominantly stratiform chert quartzites host with a sub-volcanic system associated with basic volcanic sills or flows and dykes with associated disseminated copper mineralisation.
The reported exploration results in this release are part of the Revolver’s strategy for step out exploration from the current Dianne deposit at a district scale and rapidly screen the immediate area for new VHMS targets.
A high resolution electromagnetic and magnetic data survey was commissioned through New Resolution Geophysics (NRG) Australia delivering the first modern exploration of this type within the Dianne region and in part compliments ongoing ground-based EM work on the project.
The helicopter borne survey was acquired in August 2022 and covered 94 square kilometres of prospective tenure within EPM 25941. The EM program was designed to cover both the Dianne copper deposit and the vastly under-explored area surrounding the Dianne copper deposit for Dianne ‘look-a-likes’.
The survey data was acquired through the NRG “Xcite” system which provides ultra-high resolution time-domain airborne electromagnetic (HTDEM) geophysical techniques well suited for the identification of the type of target mineralisation observed at Dianne, offering both near surface detection and deep penetrating capabilities to depths of more than 300m below surface.
The survey was acquired on east-west (90/270 degrees) lines on a 200m line spacing (with further select infill lines to provide 100m line spacing in some areas) and a sensor/loop height of less than 40m above ground.
The implementation of Heli-electromagnetics is seen by Revolver as a powerful and efficient first-pass method to identify discrete bedrock conductors potentially associated with iron-sulphide dominated VHMS systems in the region. The survey extent has been able to directly compare the response from a known VHMS system at Dianne and can be used as a pathfinder of potential mineralisation.
Other factors such as the presence of black shale, pyrrhotite and graphitic rocks can also produce EM anomalies, albeit commonly manifest as larger linear anomalies consistent with overarching stratigraphy.
The integrated program of step-out exploration deployed by Revolver during 2022 continues to deliver very positive results in a region that has not previously been assessed by modern exploration techniques,” Managing Director, Pat Williams, said.
“We continue to build out our understanding of the geology and mineralisation potential on this exciting project, and now further start to see clear regional trends emerging. From the current Heli-EM campaign, fundamentally we were expecting to see or calibrate a conductive response associated with the Dianne copper deposit itself and also see a series of similar small to moderate size, discrete and localised, late-time bedrock conductors.
“It is extremely encouraging that this is exactly what we have found and a number of these Dianne look-a-like targets are located in the right geological stratigraphy and structural setting.
“We see the results as a powerful vector toward further potential VHMS mineralisation and the success of this programme of work allows Revolver to focus and accelerate ground activities on a number of high-priority VHMS targets and progress them toward drill-ready targets in the near term.
“We currently have geological teams on the ground acquiring a large volume of new field information and knowledge as we follow-up a number of the high priority EM-derived targets and look forward to updating the market as that information comes to hand.”
Next Steps for Dianne
Revolver has fully scaled up near pit and step-out exploration activities during this 2022 field season. Further work outlined below is presently underway or planned in coming months.
- Further Processing and interpretation of the Heli EM,
- Ground based Moving Loop EM survey follow-up of the deeper Dianne EM Anomaly – just completed in August 2022,
- Regional reconnaissance and follow-up analysis of WV3 alteration targets and Heli EM anomalies –continuing through August/September 2022,
- 3D Wireframing of grade and copper deposit domains for the Dianne Mineral Resource Estimate – in progress,
- Metallurgical test work for oxide, supergene and primary sulphide samples from recent Revolver drilling for Dianne Mineral Resource Estimate – in progress,
- Reporting of historic copper intersection from validated drill holes that will be used in conjunction with Revolver 2021-22 Phase 1 drill program in the Dianne Mineral Resource Estimate – Q3 2022,
- Commencement of 2022 drill program – September/October 2022.