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Rumble Resources Ltd (ASX: RTR) has recommenced drilling on the emerging world-class Earaheedy Project in Western Australia.

The programme is aimed at defining the limits of the emerging Zn-Pb-Ag base metal system and focused on the high- grade feeder targets along the untested nine km Navajoh Southeast Trend within the 100% RTR E69/3787.

“We are excited to get back into discovery mode and announce the resumption of drilling operations,” Managing Director, Shane Sikora, said.

“We have a high impact programme planned that will be focused on testing the high-grade feeder targets along the Navajoh Southeast Trend.

“We will also have a specific focus on targeting high-grade Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) discoveries within the interpreted high angle feeder structures. The Earaheedy Project has exceptional near-term growth potential, and we are eager to advance what we believe will become a world class base metal asset.”

A major extensional RC drilling campaign has recently commenced to test the 9km Navajoh Southeast Trend, which will principally target the multiple gravity lows which are interpreted to represent high-grade feeder structures. Broad spaced extensional drilling will likewise test the potential southeast extension of the 11km long Tonka – Navajoh mineralised footprint.

Chinook Deposit E69/3787 – RTR 100%

A diamond drilling contract has been awarded with an initial 700m deep hole co-funded through an EIS grant of up to $150,000 of the drilling costs. The EIS scheme is an initiative by the WA Government to encourage innovative drilling by companies in greenfields regions of Western Australia.

The planned EIS diamond hole aims to intersect high grade MVT type mineralisation associated with the Chikamin Feeder Fault in the underlying Iroquois Carbonate Member whilst also providing key stratigraphic, geochemical and lithostructural understanding of the underlying Earaheedy Basin and basement stratigraphy.

This EIS hole represents the first deep diamond drilling by Rumble within the Earaheedy Project and has been positioned to test beneath the extensive eight km by two km Chinook mineralised footprint where the potential for structurally hosted high grade MVT deposits is considered high, based upon the recent Iroquois discovery (including 4.0m @ 27.0% Zn and 19.9g/t Ag) by Strickland Metals and the shallow high-grade intercepts at Chinook (e.g. 6m @ 10.5% Zn+Pb & 8m @ 14.6% Zn+Pb), which are supported by increasing Cu and Ag mineralisation proximal to the feeder structures.

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