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Staff Writer

Sabre Resources Ltd (ASX: SBR) has intersected a 50m zone of nickel sulphide mineralisation including zones of semi-massive pyrrhotite and pentlandite in the first new diamond drillhole at the Sherlock Bay Nickel-Copper-Cobalt (sulphide) Project in WA.

Significantly, the 50m intersection is to the west and down plunge of previous nickel sulphide intersections where an electromagnetic (EM) anomaly has highlighted the potential for higher-grade to massive nickel (copper, cobalt) sulphides at depth.

This is a great start to the new diamond drilling program we are undertaking at Sherlock Bay,” CEO Jon Dugdale said.

“We’ve confirmed that the mineralised horizon continues at depth and to the west of the identified nickel sulphide resource. The intersection of semi-massive sulphides including pyrrhotite and the nickel sulphide pentlandite is very encouraging.

“The next hole is testing the targeted mineralised horizon at depth below the previous hole, where it is projected to intersect the base of the Sherlock intrusive. This is a similar setting to other major massive nickel sulphide deposits in WA such as Nova-Bollinger.

“The discovery of higher-grade to massive nickel sulphides at Sherlock Bay offers potential to significantly enhance the economics of the Sherlock Bay Project.”

This completed hole tested below and to the west of the Discovery nickel sulphide resource, where an electromagnetic (EM) anomaly indicates potential for higher-grade to massive nickel-copper-cobalt sulphides at depth.

The hole intersected the main sulphide bearing mineralised horizon (quartz-amphibole-magnetite schist) at 282m downhole and continued in this zone for 50m to 332m down hole.

The 50m intersection of the mineralised zone contains 5% to 10% sulphides including pyrrhotite, the nickel sulphide pentlandite and minor chalcopyrite in semi-massive patches and veins.

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