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Staff Writer

Sabre Resources Limited (AX:SBR) has commenced an Aircore drilling programme at the Bonanza Gold Project, located in the highly prospective Younami Gold Mining District of Western Australia.

The drilling programme will be comprised of at least 50 holes, for approximately 1,500m, and will test those high priority structural and lithological targets generated by the airborne magnetic survey 
completed by the company in August 2020. 

The priority target area is in the north-east corner of Exploration License E57/1125 that is located within 800m of Ramelius Resources’ Penny West discovery. 

The high quality, detailed airborne magnetic survey at the Bonanza Gold Project was flown at a line spacing of 20m over a 2km by 3km area in the north-east corner of EL57/1125.

The company reported that the results of the survey were better than expected and presented a number of drill ready targets, which the company plans on investigating during this current Aircore drilling programme.

Interpretation of the magnetic data by Sabre’s geophysical consultants revealed several north-east trending fault lines, one of which runs through the centre of the surveyed area and continues directly through the Penny West Gold discovery.

Priority drill targets have been identified at fault intersections and in particular where north-east trending faults intersect north-west trending structures that are interpreted to be splays off the Youanmi Fault.

These fault intersections are associated with magnetic lows that could be caused by alteration, implying these targets are high priority targets that warrant drill testing. Although a preliminary reconnaissance of the drill traverses identified limited bedrock exposure, the Company did identify widespread quartz vein material (float) at the surface on the northern traverse.

Any anomalous gold intersections generated by the Aircore program will be followed up with deeper Reverse Circulation drilling. The Aircore drilling programme may also be expanded to test other structural and lithological targets that were also identified during the August 2020 airborne magnetic survey which was completed by the company.

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