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Saturn Metals Limited (ASX:STN) has achieved further strong results from ongoing RC drilling at the Apollo Hill deposit within its 100%-owned Apollo Hill Gold Project, 60km south-east of Leonora in the Western Australian goldfields.

Managing Director, Ian Bamborough, said this drilling is a key part of the company’s strategy to grow the Apollo Hill 781,000oz Mineral Resource. A further resource upgrade is targeted for late 2020.

Results continue to extend gold mineralisation and improve continuity in shallow hanging-wall positions along the deposit’s strike length,” Mr Bamborough said.

“Extensional drilling on the main lode is returning some excellent intersections. Assays remain pending for a further 60 holes and drilling continues to home in on key growth areas of the deposit.

“We look forward to receiving and reporting on the next batch shortly and to incorporating them into the next resource upgrade process planned for later this year.”

The programme has drilled into thick, shallow intersections which demonstrate mineralisation continuity on several hanging-wall positions along the deposit’s strike length.

Highlights include:

  • 10m @ 2.02g/t Au from 51m including 5m @ 3.84 gt Au from 53m;
  • 16m @ 1.06g/t Au from 16m;
  • 5m @ 2.38g/t Au from 126m; and
  • 7m @ 1.02g/t Au from 200m.

Meanwhile, drilling on the Apollo Hill main zone continues to extend and improve mineralisation with significant intersections including:

  • 16m @ 2.0g/t Au from 136m including 5m @ 5.57g/t Au from 141m;
  • 23m @ 1.64g/t Au from 221m; 
11m @ 1.2g/t Au from 204m and 5m @1.65g/t Au from 224m within 46m @ 0.73g/t Au from 190m; and
  • 9m @ 1.62g/t Au from 26m;
10m @ 1.10g/t Au from 33m; and
7m @ 1.17g/t Au from 18m.
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