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Scorpion Minerals Limited (ASX: SCN) has intersected high-grade, near surface gold in its RC drilling campaign at the Cap Lamp Prospect within its Pharos Project near Cue in Western Australia.

Highlights included an intersection of 5m @ 8.28 g/t Au from 9m including 1m @ 22.9 g/t Au 
from 9m and 3m @ 2.72 g/t Au from 18m.

The high-grade intercepts at Cap Lamp follow on from the previously released confirmation of high grades at Lantern and confirm the presence of significantly mineralised shear zones and quartz veins within the highly prospective dolerite unit that runs from Cap Lamp to Beacon.

Follow up RC drilling is planned at Lantern and Cap Lamp in mid-December. 

Phase One drilling comprised 28 RC holes totalling 2,482m drilling to a maximum depth of 174m across seven separate prospects within E20/948.

To take advantage of drill rig availability, the company announced in October that it had brought forward its planned second Phase RC drilling, which allowed for an additional 2,500m of follow up exploration. 

Phase Two drilling consisted of 21 holes completed for 2,008m of drilling and included additional drilling at Cap Lamp, Lantern, Candle, Salt Flat and Oliver’s Patch; and initial drilling across workings at Terry’s South and north of Maguires Reward.

This programme is expected to be completed in mid-December when an RC rig is scheduled to return to site.

Both phases were a reconnaissance test of each target with at least one drill fence designed to confirm mineralisation, structural setting and geometry.

Apart from Cap Lamp, Oliver’s Flat and Maguires North all prospects were blind targets beneath shallow cover in deeply weathered terrain.

The mineralisation intercepted at Cap Lamp is open north – south along strike and across strike and dip to the west. These results follow on from the previously reported high grade intercept at Lantern of 7m @ 8.33 g/t Au from 4m (including 3m @ 18.0 g/t Au from 4m).

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