Sipa Resources Limited (ASX: SRI) is scheduled to commence drilling shortly at the tompany’s recently acquired Murchison Gold Project in Western Australia.

The imminent commencement of drilling follows completion of a heritage survey over the company’s gold targets which enables clearing to be completed for drilling access.
The ~5,000m aircore (AC) drilling programme is designed to test a range of targets across three of the Farm In tenements located within the Murchison Gold Project. Exact timing of commencement is subject to weather impacts due to current rainfall in the district.
On E51/1709 known historic drilling is limited to only 30 RAB holes in the entire tenement area and large areas remain completely untested.
Planned drilling in the northwest and west of the tenement is designed to test along strike from the Tontine Prospect and the extensions of the Munarra Gully trend of gold occurrences that trend north-northeast into the tenement.
These prospects and trends are marked by anomalous gold and arsenic in soil samples and in costeans where the greenstone units outcrop to the south.
The prospects have been the subject of a single line of RAB drilling where the outcrop disappears under cover to the north, and historic soil sampling is believed to have been largely ineffective in this area due to transported cover.
To the east on E51/1936, drilling will target the northeast trending margin of, and potential structure along, a prominent magnetic high associated with a komatiitic basalt. Previous drilling identified anomalous gold results to the south and there are several historic workings of unknown origin visible along the margin of the sub-cropping basalt.
The bulk of the planned drilling will be undertaken on E51/1888, on the southern extension of the Abbotts Greenstone Belt. The area was explored in the late 1990’s by Western Mining Corporation (WMC) who drilled the central parts of the belt on a very broad spacing: 800m-spaced lines with holes 200 to 400m apart.
The western and eastern margins of the belt were not drilled and the upcoming drill program will cover a selection of these areas as well as follow up four WMC holes which returned assays between 0.1 and 1.0 g/t Au. Closer spaced holes will be drilled along this trend.
The drill programme is anticipated to take two weeks to complete and further updates will be provided as it progresses. Successful completion of the program will also satisfy the minimum joint venture commitment.