St George Mining Limited (ASX: SGQ) has recommended lithium exploration at its flagship Mt Alexander Project in Western Australia.

We are pleased that our field teams are back on the ground at Mt Alexander to follow-up multiple target areas for lithium mineralisation. Significantly, many of these prospects have a similar geological context to the Mt Ida lithium deposit, which is about 15km south-east of Mt Alexander,” Executive Chairman, John Prineas, said.
“Our initial exploration at Mt Alexander has confirmed the presence of high-grade lithium as well as very thick pegmatites – up to 121m thick. These results support the potential for a large lithium- bearing pegmatite mineral system. Our field work will provide further information on the zonation, thickness and distribution of pegmatites along the more than 16km stretch of the regional LCT corridor on our tenure.
“Mt Alexander is located in a very favourable position within the Mt Ida Lithium Province, which has fast emerged over the past 12 months as a lithium hot spot that has delivered material exploration success and attracted significant M&A activity.
“We are excited to be ramping up exploration at Mt Alexander with the support of some of the most important global companies in lithium-ion batteries – ATL, Shanghai Jayson, Sunwoda Electronic and SVOLT – and look forward to reporting exploration results in the coming weeks.”
Assay results for drilling completed by St George at the Jailbreak Prospect at Mt Alexander in late 2022 and early 2023 confirmed the presence of lithium mineralised pegmatites that commence from or near surface and continue to depths of up to 300m below surface. High grades – up to 1.8% Li2O – were returned in the drill results, highlighting the potential of the pegmatite system.
The widespread presence of anomalous lithium at Jailbreak is indicative of this area being part of a fractionated pegmatite system with potential for stronger mineralisation along strike and down dip from current drilling.
A key area of focus in the current field programme is an 8km-long zone in the northern section of the LCT corridor within the Mt Alexander tenure. This zone includes the Manta Prospect where drill hole MAD2135 intersected a continuous 121m thick, flat-lying fractionated pegmatite with a total of 225m of pegmatite within the drill hole.
The results for MAD213 confirmed that thick, large-scale, flat-lying pegmatite intrusions have occurred within the Mt Alexander project area. These have the potential to host significant volumes of lithium. The fractionation of the pegmatites in MAD213 is a further sign of the prospectivity for lithium.
Results from the field work underway will be used to prioritise areas of interest for follow-up exploration including drilling.