Critical minerals explorer Stelar Metals Limited (ASX: SLB) has identified high-grade zinc mineralisation at multiple locations at its 100% owned Linda Zinc Project in South Australia.

Linda Zinc is one of five highly prospective copper and zinc projects the company intends to explore, committing to an aggressive exploration programme in this world class mining district.
Multiple high-grade zinc and lead anomalies have been recently identified within the Linda Project by Stelar Metals during the Company’s first field campaigns during May 2022.
High-grade zinc mineralisation was confirmed at Linda by multiple analyses using a portable XRF and “zinc-zap” stain. XRF results included high-grade values between 10% and 25% in one outcrop that extended for several metres as well as additional high-grade readings returned for zinc and lead from several other locations.
Simple “zinc-zap” chemical field tests also verified the presence of high-grade zinc mineralisation in outcrop.
Stelar Metals’ first soil geochemical survey has identified a large coherent zinc soil anomaly which extends 300m x 250m with values up to 0.7% zinc and up to 675ppm lead in soils.
This anomaly remains open to the southeast and northwest. This survey was undertaken over the Linda Project with 279 samples collected on nominal 10-20 metre centres and analysed using a portable XRF.
During May 2022, Dr Mark Allen from CSA Global, a highly regarded expert in carbonate-hosted zinc mineralising systems completed a field programme and report on the Linda Zinc Project. CSA’s report confirms the presence of zinc and lead mineralisation as dominantly oxide phases interpreted as the in-situ oxidation of primary sulphide mineralisation. Mineralisation was observed in hand specimens and outcrop, consistent with the descriptions and mapping in BHP’s historic open file reports. Mineralisation appears associated with carbonate grainstone units which were more permeable and contain clear evidence of karst development, these are mappable controls on mineralisation.
In the mid 1980’s BHP undertook geological mapping of the Linda Zinc Project and visible base-metal mineralisation was mapped within the carbonate stratigraphy at surface in several locations. Notably 15 out of 20 of BHP’s shallow RC holes, which were only drilled to 25m depth intersected highly anomalous zinc. Two follow-up diamond holes both intersected sphalerite mineralisation. Photographs of core in historic open-file reports clearly indicate the presence of zinc sulphide mineralisation in the form of sphalerite.
Importantly, Stelar Metals has identified in the field the location of most of BHP’s historic drill hole collars and recognise due to their shallow depth and orientation these holes were not adequately tested the main target of Linda.
CSA Global’s recent field work and report has also confirmed that the geological setting at Linda is considered highly prospective for economic carbonate-hosted zinc. CSA’s study reports that the Linda Project has elements of Irish Type and MVT mineralisation styles and that the geological setting strongly supports the view that the area is prospective for Kipushi-Beltana Type mineralisation (refer section below).
Stelar Metals is very excited about the potential of the Linda Zinc Project after finding high grade zinc mineralisation with our first field program after listing on the ASX,” CEO, Colin Skidmore, said.
“The large magnitude of the zinc soil anomaly defined by Stelar Metals recent survey at Linda also supports our view that geological setting at Linda is considered highly prospective for economic carbonate-hosted zinc.“
Stelar Metals anticipates receiving the sample assays from our recent field work in coming weeks and recommencing follow-up surveys, mapping and sampling at Linda later this month ahead of planning our first drill program at Linda later this year”
Next Steps
Stelar Metals’ recent surface samples from Linda have been summitted to laboratories for multi-element analysis and petrology.
The Company has leased a permanent base at Wirrealpa Station and is in the process of employing a dedicated geologist to advance this Project.
High resolution orthoimagery and LiDAR has been acquired to assist with ground mapping and logistics.
Exploration work over the coming months, which will start later this month, will include extensive geological mapping of the prospective limestone stratigraphy on EL 6263 to discern favourable grainstone lithologies, map structures and define the character and extent of mineralized outcrops. Soil surveys will concurrently be undertaken and extended over the entire region with closed spaced infill over anomalous areas. This data collection will underpin the design of Stelar Metals’ inaugural drilling program at Linda scheduled for late 2022.
Stelar Metals is currently negotiating a Native Title Management Agreement with the Traditional Owners and once agreed will commence Heritage Clearance Surveys and seek drilling approval from the South Australian regulators.