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Staff Writer

Strike Resources Limited (ASX:SRK) has discovered high-grade hematite rich detrital mineralisation at its Paulsens East Iron Ore Project in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

Such detrital material has not previously been accounted for in Strike’s Resource inventory for the Project, which currently comprises a three kilometre long outcropping hematite ridge with a JORC Indicated Mineral Resource of 9.6 Million tonnes at 61.1% Fe, 6.0% SiO2, 3.6% Al2O3, 0.08% P.

Managing Director, William Johnson, said that based on encouraging initial assay results and the observation of significant areas of similar surface materials, an exploration programme is due to commence shortly to test the extent of such mineralisation.

The presence of such high grade detrital material is very exciting. If the existence of significant quantities of this iron ore material are determined as a result of the current exploration programme, such material has the potential to deliver additional value for Strike which has not previously been accounted for in our Project studies,” Mr Johnson said.

During the recent Bulk Sampling programme conducted during August 2020, extensive occurrences of high grade hematite rich detrital material were observed along the northern base of the outcropping hematite ridge.

Sampling taken was undertaken from surface to a depth of 1.5 metres from a site located approximately 100 metres north from the base of the ridge for analysis. Visual inspection of the sample location indicated that the eroded detrital material extended to at least 1.5 metres depth.

Results of laboratory testwork on the samples showed a highly encouraging product grade of 60% Fe, 6.4% SiO2 and 3.4% Al2O3 with a mass recovery of 83% on crushing to -32mm and simple wet screening at +1mm size.

A subsequent review of drill logs from Strike’s previous drilling campaigns along the northern edge of the hematite ridge at Paulsens East has confirmed that a number of drill holes encountered iron rich loose scree within the first few metres from surface.

Remaining holes were either drilled in weathered bedrock or too close to bedrock with no significant loose surficial material.

Strike is planning to test the potential extent and quality of the detrital material at Paulsens East with a sampling programme (to be undertaken in October 2020) of up to 120 pits to be dug over an area approximately 2,700 metres long east to west by an average 100 -150 metres wide north to south, totalling approximately 32 hectares.

The area being investigated sits partially over the area of the open pit designed for the proposed main Paulsens East Mine – i.e. is surface material that would otherwise have been cleared as waste material as the main Project is developed.

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