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Rumble Resources Ltd (ASX: RTR) believes it is potentially onto a major mineralised structure at its Munarra Gully Project near Cue in Western Australia.

The company’s desktop study of the recently acquired exploration licence applications (ELA51/1919 and ELA51/1927) has highlighted the Munarra North Cu–Au prospect as potentially a significantly larger extension of the highly prospective White Rose Cu – Au magmatic differentiated mafic sill hosted sill complex.

Rumble’s Technical Director, Brett Keillor, said the study has aided in understanding the association of copper, gold and cobalt mineralisation with the regional structure (some 34km of strike within the project area) that transect the Munarra Gully Project, which is located within the Murchison Goldfields of WA.

Historic exploration at Munarra North has shown previous explorers were focused on orogenic shear hosted gold mineralisation (later overprint) which is now interpreted to be spatially associated with a large copper bearing intrusion,”Mr Keillor said.

“The limited assaying of the intrusion has shown very wide widths of copper (disseminated and stringer) with silver mineralisation which has the same characteristics as the White Rose Prospect which lies some 8km further south on the same major structure.

“Whilst White Rose is strongly mineralised, it is likely a faulted portion of a much larger system that hosts the potentially very large Munarra North Prospect.

“Although only limited historic copper assaying has been completed in the primary zone, Munarra North may represent both a large oxide (depth of weathering to 90m) and primary copper system which is essentially completely open.

“Of note, no multi-element assaying has been completed apart from partial Cu and Ag (minor Zn) at Munarra North. Exploration by Rumble has shown the White Rose and Co Prospects have elevated Pt, Pd, Mo and Co. Also of interest is the presence of anomalous Re (Rhenium – very select assaying completed). “
Rumble is now planning to conduct an air core drilling programme to scope shallow cobalt mineralisation at the Co Prospect. Approximately 4km of strike will be tested – commencing in early December.

Subject to grant, a proposed geophysical survey based on outcome of petrophysics with follow up RC drilling at Munarra North to confirm targets and copper mineralisation. This is planned to be undertaken in February 2020.

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