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Staff Writer

Summit Minerals ultrafine soil sampling has confirmed an additional zone of mineralisation north of its Stallion Rare Earth Project in Western Australia.

The sampling returned numerous anomalous rare earth oxide results over a four-kilometre length and the new MHC target, coming from thick and sandy transported cover overlying mineralisation intersected in drilling.

The final holes of Phase 2 drilling at Stallion confirmed widespread, moderately shallow, sub-horizontal mineralisation lying open along strike and to the east, and Summit now has a new northward target and anomalous, correlating results which have validated its exploration methods.

Summit Exploration Manager Jonathan King said the company was pleased to have received positive soil responses from complex regolith environments.

The strong spatial coincidence between the anomalous soils and drill indicated REO mineralisation from recent and historical drilling, separated by up to 40 metres of cover, is an exciting development for Summit,” Mr King said.

“The knowledge gleaned from this campaign gives the Company confidence as to the size and scale of the potential resource. It also helps us best target future drilling, which should significantly reduce future discovery and exploration costs across the tenement package.”

Summit have planning underway for extensional and infill drilling over Stallion and MHC and is now considering building an interim maiden resource before gearing up for a Phase 3 program directed at expanding the mineralised zone onto its adjoining tenement.

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