West Australian kaolin and silica sand exploration company, Suvo Strategic Minerals Limited (ASX:SUV) has commenced a stepped-out air-core drilling programme at its 100% owned White Knight Kaolin project 210km east of Perth.

The drilling aims to increase the size of its maiden inferred JORC resource of 31.5mt of bright white kaolinised granite.
The company’s resource identification programme will focus on the area to the south of the main mining access area and will include up to 1,000m of air-core drilling over approximately 34 holes at depths of up to 30m.
Executive Director, Aaron Banks, said additional bulk samples of product will be collected from particular areas of interest and sent to the United Kingdom for specific metallurgical test work the results of which will further define end-user specifications, grades and quality.
Following our successful 1,550m drilling programme that produced 10m – 20m of ultra-bright white intercepts on the southern boundary, we are now proceeding with a larger step-out drilling programme that could potentially see a significant increase in our inferred resource,” Mr Banks said.
“As this is a newly discovered deposit, we are excited to conduct further work to fully understand the geology as our maiden inferred resource of 31.5mt sits on only half a percent of our greater exploration tenement area.”