Talisman Mining (ASX: TLM) has commenced a 7,200m Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling campaign to test four high-priority prospects at its 100%- owned Lachlan Project in NSW.

The Lachlan Project spans the Canbelego-Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt between Condobolin and Canbelego in NSW and is prospective for large scale porphyry copper-gold and VMS style copper- lead-zinc-silver deposits.
Drilling has commenced initially at the Rip & Tear prospect, the first target to be tested for Cobar-style VMS copper-lead-zinc-silver mineralisation. The Rip & Tear prospect contains strongly anomalous base metal soil geochemistry and a series of conductive plates in interpreted structural positions adjacent to a large granite intrusion.
The programme will also provide an initial test of the Noisy Ned prospect, located to the north-west of Rip N Tear. Noisy Ned contains a series of strongly anomalous base metals intersections such as 112m at 0.16% Zn from surface and 21m at 0.33% Cu from 22m in NNRC00031, which require follow-up.
In addition, a moderate sized Induced Polarisation (IP) geophysical anomaly has been defined below the current drilling. The Noisy Ned prospect sits within a recently surveyed large gravity low, interpreted to mark a large intrusion.
Follow-up RC programmes are also planned at the Carpina North gold prospect and the Durnings/Kaolin Shaft poly-metallic mineralised trend. Best intervals at Carpina North include 132m at 0.31g/t Au from surface in CNRC00122, while best results at Durnings/Kaolin Shaft include 8.0m at 6.3 g/t Au and 0.77% Cu from 82m in DRRC00013.
Talisman has received the required regulatory approvals for the programme areas from the relevant NSW Government authorities to progress drilling sequentially across the planned areas. Regulatory approvals have been planned and submitted based on drilling success to allow immediate follow-up of positive drill results.
Talisman looks forward to completing this programme by approximately late October 2023 and utilising the datasets to identify further walk-up drill targets for a second phase of drilling.
We are pleased to announce the re- commencement of RC drilling at our Central Lachlan Project in NSW. The geological team have completed reviews of the Company’s larger and most attractive targets across our extensive, highly prospective gold and base metals tenure. We will test these targets with this initial phase of RC drilling before moving to other targets in the assessment pipeline,” Managing Director, Andrew Munckton, said.
“I anticipate that we will have a steady stream of news-flow for the remainder of 2023 as we work through the program along with ground-based geophysical and geochemical surveys designed to add and rank further targets for testing following the initial phase of drilling.
“I am confident that the renewed focus on larger, more compelling targets will stand us in good stead to deliver a significant new discovery for the Company and our shareholders.”